蓋·愛德華·皮爾斯(英語:Guy Edward Pearce,1967年10月5日—) 是一名澳大利亚男演员[2],他主演最知名的作品是2001年由克里斯托弗·诺兰导演的《记忆碎片》。
他的母亲Anne Cocking(娘家姓Pickering)是一名生于達勒姆郡的教师;父亲Stuart Pearce是个生于新西兰的空军测试飞行员,但在皮尔斯9岁时就去世了[3][4][5]。在他三岁时,他家搬到了澳洲的吉朗,在那里他母亲经营着一家鹿场。他进入当地的私人学校 The Geelong College 就读,并且是GSODA的成员。15到22岁之间,他是一名健美业余选手。此外,他也参与过击剑运动。
1980年代后期,他居住在维多利亚州的Box Hill North,并参与了澳洲电视剧《Neighbours》的演出。
^"I've got a T-shirt that says, 'Jesus saves,' and the 's' in 'Jesus' is a big dollar sign," he says. "I've worn it here [in America] and had people come up on the street and go, 'You can't wear that.' People in Australia think it's funny. I'm fascinated by religion. I don't believe in God, but the thing I do believe in is that we're all connected.Lytal, Cristy. Actor Guy Pearce is all about the details. Los Angeles Times. 27 August 2008 [4 May 2010]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-01).