耶稣升天(英語:Ascension of Jesus,英語化自《圣经》拉丁语《武加大译本》的《使徒行传》第1章第9-11节,章节标题:Ascensio Iesu)是《新约》中关于耶稣复活40天后,在他的十一个门徒面前,复活的身体被举扬升天的基督教教义。在圣经的描述中,一个天使告诉在场的使徒们耶稣会以同样的方式再临。[1]
^"Ascension, The." Macmillan Dictionary of the Bible. London: Collins, 2002. Credo Reference. Web. 27 September 2010. ISBN 0-333-64805-6
^"Ascension of Christ." Cross, F. L., ed. The Oxford dictionary of the Christian church. New York: Oxford University Press. 2005 ISBN 0-19-280290-9
^Essays in New Testament interpretation by Charles Francis Digby Moule 1982 ISBN 0-521-23783-1 page 63
^The Melody of Faith: Theology in an Orthodox Key by Vigen Guroian 2010 ISBN 0-8028-6496-1 page 28
^Festival icons for the Christian year by John Baggley 2000 ISBN 0-264-67487-1 page 137–138
^Encyclopedia of World Religions by Johannes P. Schade 2007, ISBN 1-60136-000-2 entry under Ascension
^Renaissance art: a topical dictionary by Irene Earls 1987 ISBN 0-313-24658-0 pages 26–27
^The meaning of icons by Leonide Ouspensky, Vladimir Lossky 1999 ISBN 0-913836-77-X page 197