多數資料表示舒沙建於1750年代,由卡拉巴赫汗國的開國君主帕那·阿里汗(英语:Panah Ali Khan)建立,[3]同時還建造了舒沙堡。這是帕那·阿里汗與當地亞美尼亞親王(melik)、瓦兰达(Varanda)的梅利克·沙纳扎(英语:Melik Shahnazar II)結盟的成果。[4]在這些文獻中,鎮名的起源據稱是附近一個叫Shushikend(Shosh)的亞美尼亞人村落。另外還有資料表示舒沙在1720年代成為自治的亞美尼亞小國卡拉巴赫公國的重要中心,還有指高原上已經有古代的亞美尼亞人堡壘。[5]從18世紀中到1822年,這裡是卡拉巴赫汗國的首都。經過19世紀上半俄羅斯南侵高加索打敗伊朗卡扎爾王朝,這裡成為南高加索的文化中心。[6]在19世紀,該鎮的規模不斷擴大,成為一座城市,是許多亞美尼亞和阿塞拜疆知識分子、詩人、作家和音樂家(包括阿塞拜疆族吟遊詩人(ashiks)、木卡姆(mugham)歌手和科布扎(kobuz)演奏者)的家園。[7][8]
19世紀格魯吉亞學者亚历山大·萨加里(英语:Alexander von Zagareli)的著作《Letters and other historical documents of the 18th century regarding Georgia, Vol. 1》包含一封1769年格魯吉亞國王希拉克略二世發給俄羅斯外交官彼得·帕寧(英语:Petr Ivanovich Panin)的信,表示「有一座Khamsa(卡拉巴赫)親王國境內的古老堡壘」遭到「征服,用計征服」,征服者是「一位賈萬希爾部族(Javanshir)的回教徒。」[34]同樣是關於該「古老」堡壘的消息得到二次文獻,俄羅斯元帥亞歷山大·蘇沃洛夫給格里高利·普譚金的信的確認。[38][39]蘇沃洛夫寫道,亞美尼亞親王瓦蘭達的梅利克·沙納扎把他的堡壘「Shushikala」(舒沙堡)放棄了,交給了「某一個叫『帕那(英语:Panah Ali Khan)』的人」,他說這個人「居住在卡拉巴赫邊界附近的一個不重要的遊牧穆斯林的首領。」[38]當提及18世紀的卡拉巴赫和舒沙,俄國外交官兼歷史學家布罗涅夫斯基(S.M. Bronevskiy)在他的「歷史筆記」寫道,舒沙堡本來是梅利克-沙納扎里安家族的財產,為了防範其他的亞美尼亞卡拉巴赫親王國(英语:Melikdoms of Karabakh)而交給了帕那·阿里汗(英语:Panah Ali Khan)。[40]俄國歷史學家巴特科夫(P. G. Butkov;1775–1857)寫道,梅利克-沙納扎里安的親王在達成聯盟後把「舒沙村」交給了帕那·阿里汗,而帕那·阿里汗鞏固了村莊。[41][42]傳教士約瑟夫·沃爾夫(1795–1862)在中東傳道期間,到訪了「Shushee(舒沙),在亞美尼亞大部的卡拉巴赫省」。[43]
雖然帕那·阿里汗早已與伊朗沙阿納迪爾沙有衝突,新沙阿阿迪爾·沙阿仍然頒令承認帕那·阿里為卡拉巴赫汗王。[51]舒沙建城不足一年,伊朗的王位競爭者穆罕默德·哈桑汗·卡扎爾(Mohammad Hasan Khan Qajar)就起兵攻打卡拉巴赫汗國。萨非王朝年間,卡拉巴赫汗國有將近兩世紀被卡扎爾部族(突厥人背景)之下的齊亞德-奧格魯家族(Ziyad-oglu)統治,[52]所以穆罕默德·哈桑汗將卡拉巴赫視為他可繼承的領地。[48][50][53][54]
當該鎮被亞美尼亞人控制,一些博物館在那裡經營:國家美術博物館、G. A. Gabrielyants國家地質博物館、舒沙歷史博物館、舒沙地毯博物館和舒沙藝術博物館。[107]
舒沙歷史博物館是在歷史街區的中心,一座19世紀的大宅。它有一系列展品反映舒沙的古今。[107]博物館的藏品包含許多民族志素材,包括當地大師的商品。該博物館包含家庭用品、照片和複製品,展示了19世紀舒沙居民的生活。還有一些區域專門介紹1920年舒沙大屠殺和1992年亞美尼亞軍隊攻佔舒沙。G. A. Gabrielyants國家地質博物館於2014年在舒沙開放,在塔扎·瑪哈拉清真寺的建築中。它由亞美尼亞地質學家Grigori Gabrielyants創立,故名。它有480塊來自世界47個國家的礦石和化石樣本。[107]
當該鎮在亞美尼亞人的控制之下,舒沙復興基金——ArmeniaFund——以及阿爾察赫共和國政府正在努力振興該市的經濟。[138]對旅遊業的投資促成了Shushi Hotel、Avan Shushi Plaza Hotel和Shushi Grand Hotel的開業。還開設了一個旅遊信息辦公室,[139]這是阿爾察赫共和國的第一個。剩下兩座亞美尼亞教堂(聖救主主教座堂和施洗者聖約翰教堂(英语:Kanach Zham))得到翻新,學校、博物館,以及Naregatsi艺术学院(Naregatsi Art Institute)都開辦了。
^Raffi. The Five Melikdoms of Karabagh. The Adventures of Hovsep Emin. Calcutta. 1918: 335 [2021-09-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-26). Shahnazar needed an ally, and he found one ready to his hand in the Jevanshir ... the two constructed a fort on the banks of the river Karkar as quickly as they could in the intervals of fighting the four Meliks. Shahnazar laid the foundation stone, and the fortress was completed in 1752, the people of the village of Shoshi were brought to live there, and it was named Shoshi or Shushi fortress
^ 5.05.1Krunk Hayots Ashkharhin. 8 (1863): p. 622, cited in Магалян, Артак. Арцахские меликства и возникновение Карабахского ханства [The melikates of Artsakh and the emergence of the Karabakh Khanate]. Айрапетов, О. Р.; Йованович, Мирослав; Колеров, М. А.; Меннинг, Брюс; Чейсти, Пол (编). Русский Сборник Исследования По Истории России(PDF)VIII. Модест Колеров. 2010: 13–14. ISBN 978-5-91150-034-4. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2012-11-19). Shahnazar, Melik of Varanda, fearing the alliance between the Melik of Charaberd Adam and the Melik of Gyulistan Hovsep, became friends with Panah Khan and gave him his settlement, the fortress of Shusha, as well as his daughter as wife.
^ 9.09.1Mattew O'Brien. Uzeir Hajibeyov and His Role in the Development of Musical Life in Azerbaijan. – Routledge, 2004. – С. 211. – ISBN0-415-30219-6, 9780415302197
^ 1823 Russian Survey of the Karabagh Province: A Primary Source on the Demography and Economy of Karabagh in the Early 19th Century, trans. George A. Bournoutian. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2011.
^ Nagorno-Karabagh Crisis: A Blueprint for Resolution(PDF). Public International Law & Policy Group and the New England School of Law: 3. June 2000 [2007-11-11]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2004-03-28). In August 1919, the Karabagh National Council entered into a provisional treaty agreement with the Azerbaijani government. Despite signing the Agreement, the Azerbaijani government continuously violated the terms of the treaty. This culminated in March 1920 with the Azerbaijanis' massacre of Armenians in Karabagh's former capital, Shushi, in which it is estimated that more than 20,000 Armenians were killed.
^Muth, Sebastian. Language Removal, Commodification and the Negotiation of Cultural Identity in Nagorno-Karabakh. Conflict, Exclusion and Dissent in the Linguistic Landscape. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 2016. ISBN 978-1-137-42627-7.
^Lori Khatchadourian; Ian Lindsay; Adam T. Smith. Caucasus Heritage Watch: Monitoring Report #1. Cornell Institute of Archaeology and Material Studies: Cornell University: 19. June 2021 [2021-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-07). In sum, there are real and present threats to the integrity of the heritage landscape of Nagorno Karabakh that result from a range of factors from development work undertaken without sufficient attention to heritage sites to intentional acts against Armenian monuments.
^Շուշի. Հայաստանի եւ հարակից շրջանների տեղանունների բառարան [Dictionary of toponymy of Armenia and adjacent territories] 4. Yerevan: Yerevan State University Publishing House: 161. 1998 [2021-11-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-19) (亚美尼亚语).
^Boris Baratov. A Journey to Karabakh. Moscow, 1998, pp. 32–33.
^Hravard Hakobian. Miniatures of Artsakh and Utik 13th–14th centuries. Yerevan, 1989, p. 25.
^Bishop Makar Barkhudariants, Patmutiun Aghvanits ashkhari [History of the country of Aghvank], vol. 1, Vagharshapat, 1902, p. 384.
^Армяно-русские отношения в XVIII веке. Т. IV. С. 212, as cited in Магалян, Артак. Арцахские меликства и возникновение Карабахского ханства [The melikates of Artsakh and the emergence of the Karabakh Khanate]. Айрапетов, О. Р.; Йованович, Мирослав; Колеров, М. А.; Меннинг, Брюс; Чейсти, Пол (编). Русский Сборник Исследования По Истории России [Russian collection of research on the history of Russia](PDF)VIII. Модест Колеров. 2010: 13–14. ISBN 978-5-91150-034-4. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2012-11-19). In [Archbishop Hovsep] Argutyan's letter to General Pavel Potemkin dated January 28, 1783, we read: 'The council of Melik Adam, Melik Hovsep and Melik Esai was united, but among them was the schismatic Melik Shahnazar, who was a cunning man, faithless and unfit for good deeds, treacherous and traitorous towards his brothers. A certain tribe called Javanshir comes to Karabakh, like homeless wanderers on the land, doing robbery and wandering in tents, the leader of which was named Panah Khan. Melik Shahnazar, cunning in his evil deeds, called him to help him, obeyed him of his own free will and handed over his fortress.'
^Bournoutian, George A. Armenians and Russia, 1626-1796: A Documentary Record. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2001, Armenian Military Activities in Karabakh and Ghapan, pages 402-413
^ 38.038.1Нерсисян, М. Г. II. Бумаги А. В. Суворова об Армении, Закавказье и Персии - Рапорты А. В. Суворова князю Г. А. Потемкину [II. A. V. Suvorov's papers about Armenia, Transcaucasian and Persia - A. V. Suvorov's reports to Prince G. A. Potemkin]. А.В. Суворов и русско-армянские отношения в 1770-1780-х годах [A. V. Suvorov and Russian-Armenian relations in the 1770s-1780s]. Yerevan: Айастан. 1981: 130. (原始内容存档于2009-02-28). Мелик Шах-Назар может собрать войска близ 1000 человек; сей предатель своего отечества призвал Панахана, бывшего прежде начальником не знатной части кочующих магометан близ границ карабагских, отдал ему в руки свой крепкий замок Шушикала и учинился ему с его сигнагом покорным.
^Bournoutian, George A. Armenians and Russia, 1626-1796: A Documentary Record. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2001, pp. 134, 269.
^S.M.Bronesvskiy. Historical Notes...互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2009-02-12. St. Petersburg,1996. Исторические выписки о сношениях России с Персиею, Грузиею и вообще с горскими народами, в Кавказе обитающими, со времён Ивана Васильевича доныне». СПб. 1996, секция "Карабаг". Bronesvskiy writes: "Мелик Шахназор призвал к себе на помощь владетеля кочующаго чавонширскаго народа Фона хана и здал ему крепость Шуши."
^Бутков, П. Г. Материалы для новой истории Кавказа с 1722 по 1803 год. Saint Petersburg. 1869. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ М. к стр. 236. Archived copy. [2013-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-19).
^Also see Walker Christopher "The Armenian Presence in Mountainous Karabakh" in "Transcaucasian Boundaries" (SOAS/GRC Geopolitics) edited by John Wright, Richard Schofield, Suzanne Goldenberg, 1995 p. 93 "South of Khachen lay the small territory of Varanda, originally part of its southern neighbour, Dizak, and only given a separate identity in the early sixteenth century. The ruling family, confirmed in that capacity by Shah Abbas I, was that of the Melik Shahnazarians. In the territory of Varanda lies the modern town of Shushi (or Shusha)"
^ 45.045.1Hewsen, Robert H., Armenia: A Historical Atlas. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, p. 155.
^Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary. Shusha. St Petersburg. 1890–1907 [2013-11-05]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-16).
^ 47.047.1Bournoutian George A. A History of Qarabagh: An Annotated Translation of Mirza Jamal Javanshir Qarabaghi's Tarikh-E Qarabagh. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 1994, p. 72. The original text by Mirza Jamal Javanshir calls the village "Shoshi."
^Tapper, Richard. Frontier Nomads of Iran: A Political and Social History of the Shahsevan. Cambridge University Press. 1997: 114–115. ISBN 0-521-47340-3.
^ 68.068.1Bournoutian, George A. A History of Qarabagh: An Annotated Translation of Mirza Jamal Javanshir Qarabaghi's Tarikh-E Qarabagh. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 1994, page 18
^Tadeusz Swietochowski. Russia and Azerbaijan: A Borderland in Transition. ISBN0-231-07068-3
^ 74.074.1Michael P. Croissant. The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Causes and Implications. ISBN0-275-96241-5 p. 16
^, Claude. Karabagh in the Twentieth Century. Chorbajian, Levon; Donabedian, Patrick; Mutafian, Claude (编). The Caucasian Knot: the History and Geopolitics of Nagorno-Karabakh. London: Zed Books. 1994: 124–126 [2021-02-04]. ISBN 1856492885. (原始内容存档于2021-09-07). In November the Karabagh Armenians rejected proposals for further submission presented by an Azerbaijani governmental delegation which demonstrated the weakness of the August accords... Sultanov took control of the Karkar Valley while massacring the Armenian population of several villages on 22 February, including Khankend (present-day Stepanakert).
^Mutafyan Claude (1994) "Karabagh in the twentieth century." In Chorbajyan Levon, Donabedian Patrick and Mutafian Claude (eds.) The Caucasian Knot: The History and geo-politics of Nagorno-Karabakh. London: Zed Books, pp. 109–170.
^Walker J. Christopher (ed.) (1991) Armenia and Karabakh: The Struggle for Unity. London: Minority Rights Group.
^Benjamin Lieberman. Terrible Fate: Ethnic Cleansing in the Making of Modern Europe. ISBN1-56663-646-9
^Thomas de Waal. Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan through Peace and War. ISBN0-8147-1944-9
^(俄語) Институт Истории АН Армении, Главное архивное управление при СМ Республики Армения, Кафедра истории армянского народла Ереванского Государственного Университета. Нагорный Карабах в 1918-1923 гг. Сборник документов и материалов. Ереван, 1992. Документ No.443: из письма члена компартии Азербайджана Оджахкули Мусаева правительству РСФСР. стр. 638-639 (Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia, the Main archival department at Ministerial council of Republic Armenia, Faculty of history of Armenian people of the Yerevan State University. Nagorny Karabakh per 1918–1923. Collection of documents and materials. Yerevan, 1992. The document №443: from the letter of a member of the communist party of Azerbaijan Ojahkuli Musaev to the government of RSFSR. рр. 638–639)
^(俄語) Н. Я. Мандельштам. Книга третья. Париж, YMCA-Ргess, 1987, с.162–164.
^Ṛuben Tʻerlemezyan. Haykakan zhoghovrdakan yerger[Armenian folk songs]. Yerevan: Petakan Hratarakchʻutʻyun. 1935 [2021-10-05]. OCLC 62180596. (原始内容存档于2021-10-05). His hometown of Shushi ( a.k.a. Shusha) is in Karabakh (Gharabagh) the easternmost region of Historic Armenia.
^Grikor Suni. Henrik Bakhchinyan , 编. Armenian Music(PDF). 由Dickran and Anahit Toumajan翻译. Yerevan: Museum of Literature and Art. 2005: 126–128 [2021-10-05]. ISBN 99930-60-59-3. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2021-10-05).
^Statistical yearbook of NKR 2003–2009(PDF). stat-nkr.am. National Statistical Service of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic: 37. [2011-09-16]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2011-08-27).
^"Review of Russian possessions in Transcaucasus" ("Obozreniye Rossiyskih vladeniy za Kavkazom"), vol. III, St.-Petersburg, 1836, p. 308
^George Thomas Keppel; earl of Albemarle. Personal Narrative of a Journey from India to England. ISBN1-4021-9149-9.
^"Description of the Karabakh province prepared in 1823 according to the order of the governor in Georgia Yermolov by state advisor Mogilevsky and colonel Yermolov 2nd," as quoted above
^(俄語) Caucasian Calendar (Кавказский Календарь), 1886, p. 319
^"Review of the Yelizavetpol goubernia as of 1910" ("Obzor Yelizavetpolskoy goubernii za 1910 g." in Russian) Tbilisi, 1912 p. 141
^ 128.0128.1Amirbayov, Elchin. "Shusha's Pivotal Role in a Nagorno-Karabagh Settlement" in Dr. Brenda Shaffer (ed.), Policy Brief Number 6, Cambridge, MA: Caspian Studies Program, Harvard University, December 2001, Archived copy. [2006-09-01]. (原始内容存档于2006-09-01)..
^Fatullayev, Eynulla. "Карабахский дневник" азербайджанского журналиста. Novoye Vremya. 2012-01-19 [2015-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-08) (俄语). Как ни странно, но Шушу в основном заселили бакинские армяне, и в целом город сохранил свой традиционно интеллигентный состав населения. Всюду в Шуше я встречал тепло и ностальгию бакинцев по старому Баку.
^Antanesian, Vahe. Շուշի [Shushi]. Asbarez. 2014-05-08 [2015-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-08) (亚美尼亚语). Շուշիում ներկայումս բնակւում է 3000 մարդ, որոնք հիմնականում փախստականներ են Բաքուից:
^Beglarian, Ashot. Karabakh: A Tale of Two Cities. Institute for War and Peace Reporting. 2007-06-15 [2015-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-08). Now Baku’s Armenians are scattered all over the world, with many in Shusha. Saryan noted that Shusha is also home to Armenians who lost their homes in Mardakert and Hadrut...