阿圖島戰役 是第二次世界大戰 太平洋戰爭 中發生在阿留申群島 —阿圖島 的一場戰役,敵對雙方是大日本帝國 和美國 ,這也是二次大戰中唯一在美國領土的陸上戰鬥。
這場戰鬥是美軍為了奪回自1942年10月被日軍佔領的阿圖島 。
日軍在島上建設了超過美軍預期的強力防禦工事,而美軍部隊雖然人數是好幾倍,但卻是在加利福尼亞 沙漠 受訓的第7步兵師 ,不僅兩棲登陸 經驗不足、冬季裝備不足、對島上防禦工事也未做好戰前偵查,加上阿圖島的惡劣天氣,造成美軍不小的傷害。
日軍於夜間穿過美軍防線,回到了預先修築好的山谷一側的密集防禦工事中,發起突然而猛烈的炮火攻擊,美軍士兵們慌亂的挖著躲避砲火的散兵坑 ,但在坑挖出來的同時,冷水立刻涌了上來,士兵們在刺骨的冷水中縮成一團。而位於河床的士兵因低溫症 無法動彈。就這樣,被困在了馬薩克山谷6天,而士兵們因凍傷 和戰壕足 病造成的傷亡卻與日俱增。
萬歲衝鋒 中被击毙的日军
之後在美軍迅速推進下,成功控制了克萊維斯隘口,也將殘餘的日軍壓縮到了奇恰戈半島上,而山崎知道面對絕對優勢的美軍必敗無疑,所以他在奇恰戈港構築了複雜的戰壕體系和火力網,儲備了充足的彈藥供應,做好了「為天皇盡忠」的準備。1943年5月29日,美軍準備在凌晨發起總攻擊,雖然日軍搶先美軍一步下令發起自殺式反攻,但反攻失敗,人數越來越少。之後在深夜組成突擊隊進入美軍陣地攻擊(即萬歲衝鋒 ),但還是被後備梯隊殲滅。
這場戰役美方有549人陣亡,1148人受傷,2000多人因病退場。而日軍也進行了太平洋戰爭 以來第一次的玉碎 戰術,2300名官兵最後只剩下28名倖存者,因此美國人在瞭解到日軍寧可自殺也絕不投降的根據,也為往後避免直接傷亡的「跳島戰術 」打下了基礎。
Cloe, John Haile. The Aleutian Warriors: A History of the 11th Air Force and Fleet Air Wing 4 . Missoula, Montana: Pictorial Histories Publishing Co. and Anchorage Chapter – Air Force Association. 1990. ISBN 0929521358 . OCLC 25370916 .
Dickrell, Jeff. Center of the Storm: The Bombing of Dutch Harbor and the Experience of Patrol Wing Four in the Aleutians, Summer 1942. Missoula, Montana: Pictorial Histories Publishing Co., Inc. 2001. ISBN 1575100924 . OCLC 50242148 .
Feinberg, Leonard. Where the Williwaw Blows: The Aleutian Islands-World War II. Pilgrims' Process. 1992. ISBN 097106098-3 . OCLC 57146667 .
Garfield, Brian . The Thousand-Mile War: World War II in Alaska and the Aleutians . Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press. 1995 [1969]. ISBN 0912006838 . OCLC 33358488 .
Goldstein, Donald M.; Katherine V. Dillon. The Williwaw War: The Arkansas National Guard in the Aleutians in World War . Fayettville: University of Arkansas Press. 1992. ISBN 1557282420 . OCLC 24912734 .
Hays, Otis. Alaska's Hidden Wars: Secret Campaigns on the North Pacific Rim . University of Alaska Press. 2004. ISBN 188996364X .
Lorelli, John A. The Battle of the Komandorski Islands . Annapolis: United States Naval Institute. 1984. ISBN 0870210939 . OCLC 10824413 .
Morison, Samuel Eliot . Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls, June 1942-April 1944, vol. 7 of History of United States Naval Operations in World War II . Champaign: University of Illinois Press. 2001 [1951]. ISBN 0316583057 . OCLC 7288530 .
Parshall, Jonathan; Tully, Anthony. Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway . Dulles, Virginia: Potomac Books. 2005. OCLC 60373935 . ISBN 1574889230 .
Perras, Galen Roger. Stepping Stones to Nowhere, The Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and American Military Strategy, 1867 - 1945 . Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. 2003. ISBN 1591148367 . OCLC 53015264 .
Urwin, Gregory J. W. The Capture of Attu: A World War II Battle as Told by the Men Who Fought There . Bison Books. 2000. ISBN 080329557X .
Wetterhahn, Ralph. The Last Flight of Bomber 31: Harrowing Tales of American and Japanese Pilots Who Fought World War II's Arctic Air Campaign . Da Capo Press. 2004. ISBN 0786713607 .
Logistics Problems on Attu by Robert E. Burks.
Aleutian Islands Chronology
Aleutian Islands War (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 )
Aleutian Islands The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 )
Red White Black & Blue - feature documentary about The Battle of Attu in the Aleutians during World War II
Soldiers of the 184th Infantry, 7th ID in the Pacific, 1943-1945
World War II Campaign Brochure for Aleutian Islands , 美國陸軍軍事歷史中心 , [2009-08-26 ] , (原始内容存档 于2007-12-08)
US Army Infantry Combat pamphlet- Part Two: Attu (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 )
Cloe, John Haile. The Aleutian Warriors: A History of the 11th Air Force and Fleet Air Wing 4 . Missoula, Montana: Pictorial Histories Publishing Co. and Anchorage Chapter – Air Force Association. 1990. ISBN 0929521358 . OCLC 25370916 .
Dickrell, Jeff. Center of the Storm: The Bombing of Dutch Harbor and the Experience of Patrol Wing Four in the Aleutians, Summer 1942. Missoula, Montana: Pictorial Histories Publishing Co., Inc. 2001. ISBN 1575100924 . OCLC 50242148 .
Feinberg, Leonard. Where the Williwaw Blows: The Aleutian Islands-World War II. Pilgrims' Process. 1992. ISBN 097106098-3 . OCLC 57146667 .
Garfield, Brian . The Thousand-Mile War: World War II in Alaska and the Aleutians . Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press. 1995 [1969]. ISBN 0912006838 . OCLC 33358488 .