Pembantaian Hama (bahasa Arab: مجزرة حماة), atau Pemberontakan Hama, terjadi pada Februari 1982, saat Angkatan Darat Arab Suriah dan Pasukan Pertahanan, atas perintah presiden negara tersebut Hafez al-Assad, mengepung kota Hama selama 27 hari dalam rangka menekan pemberontakan oleh Ikhwanul Muslimin melawan pemerintahan al-Assad.[1][2] Pembantaian tersebut, yang dilakukan oleh Angkatan Darat Suriah di bawah komando Jenderal Rifaat al-Assad, secara efektif mengakhiri kampanye yang dimulai pada 1976 oleh kelompok Muslim Sunni, yang meliputi Ikhwanul Muslimin, melawan pemerintah.
Laporan diplomatik awal dari negara-negara Barat menyatakan bahwa 1.000 orang dibunuh.[3][4] Perkiraan pada masa berikutnya beragam, dari perkiraan rendah mengklaim bahwa sekitar 2.000 warga Suriah dibunuh,[5] sementara pihak lainnya menyebut angka 20.000 (Robert Fisk)[1] atau 40.000 (Komite Hak Asasi Manusia Suriah).[2][6] Sekitar 1.000 prajurit Suriah tewas dalam operasi tersebut, dan sebagian besar kota tua tersebut dihancurkan. Serangan tersebut disebut sebagai salah satu "tindakan paling mematikan oleh pemerintahan Arab manapun terhadap rakyatnya sendiri di Timur Tengah modern".[7] Menurut oposisi Suriah, sebagian besar korban adalah warga sipil.[8]
Daftar pustaka
- Benkorich, Nora; 16 Feb. 2012, Trente ans après, retour sur la tragédie de Hama
- Benjamin, Daniel; Steven Simon. 2002. The Age of Sacred Terror. Random House.
- Fisk, Robert. 1990. Pity the Nation. London: Touchstone, ISBN 0-671-74770-3.
- Fisk, Robert. 2007 February 10. Conspiracy of silence in the Arab world. The Independent (UK).
- Fisk, Robert. 2010 September 16. Robert Fisk: Freedom, democracy and human rights in Syria. (Ribal al-Assad gives our writer a rare insight into the dynasty that has shaped modern Syria). The Independent (UK).
- Friedman, Thomas. 1998. From Beirut to Jerusalem, London: HarperCollins Publishers, ISBN 0-00-653070-2. Chapter 4: "Hama Rules".
- Global 2006 May 23. The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.
- "Hama". Diakses tanggal 14 November 2009.
- Human Rights Watch. 1996. Syria's Tadmor Prison: Dissent Still Hostage to a Legacy of Terror.
- Human Rights Watch. 2010 July 16. A wasted decade. V. Legacy of enforced disappearances. Report on human rights in Syria.
- MEMRI (January 2002). "Bashar Assad Teaches Visiting Members of U.S. Congress How to Fight Terrorism". Middle East Media Research Institute. Diakses tanggal 12 August 2010.
- New York Times (26 March 2011). "Chaos in Syria and Jordan Alarms U.S." The New York Times.
- Seale, Patrick. 1989. Asad, the Struggle for the Middle East. University of California Press.
- Fisk, Robert. 1989. Pity the Nation. London: Touchstone, ISBN 0-671-74770-3.
- Syrian Human Rights Committee. 2006 Massacre of Hama (February 1982) Genocide and a crime against Humanity.
- Syrian Human Rights Committee. 2005 (Arabic) The Massacre of Hama: Law Enforcement Requires Accountability.
- United States of America. Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs. Background note: Syria.
- Wright, Robin. 2008. Dreams and Shadows : the Future of the Middle East. Penguin.
Bacaan tambahan
- Kathrin Nina Wiedl: The Hama Massacre – reasons, supporters of the rebellion, consequences. München 2007, ISBN 978-3-638-71034-3.
- The Economist (16 November 2000) Is Syria really changing?, London: 'Syria’s Islamist movement has recently shown signs of coming back to life, nearly 20 years after 30,000 people were brutally massacred in Hama in 1982' The Economist
- Routledge (10 January 2000) Summary of the 10 January 2002, Roundtable on Militant Islamic Fundamentalism in the Twenty-First Century, Volume 24, Number 3 / 1 June 2002: Pages:187 – 205
- Jack Donnelly (1988) Human Rights at the United Nations 1955–85: The Question of Bias, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Sep., 1988), pp. 275–303
- More Detailed Account of the actual Hama Massacre and Killings
- NSArchive
- Fisk, Robert. 1997 January 19. A LAND IN THE SHADOW OF DEATH. The Independent (UK) (paragraph recollecting insurgency and reaction).