Steven David "Steve" Levitt (lahir 29 Mei 1967) adalah ekonom Amerika Serikat yang dikenal atas karyanya di bidang kejahatan, terutama hubungan antara aborsi legal dan tingkat kejahatan. Ia dianugerahi John Bates Clark Medal pada tahun 2003. Ia kini menjabat sebagai Guru Besar Luar Biasa Ekonomi William B. Ogden (William B. Ogden Distinguished Service Professor of Economics) di Universitas Chicago, direktur Becker Center on Chicago Price Theory di University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Ia penyunting Journal of Political Economy yang diterbitkan oleh University of Chicago Press sampai Desember 2007. Bersama jurnalis Stephen J. Dubner, ia menulis buku laris Freakonomics (2005) dan sekuelnya, SuperFreakonomics (2009), Think Like a Freak (2014), dan When to Rob a Bank (2015). Pada tahun 2009, Levitt mendirikan TGG Group, perusahaan konsultasi bisnis dan filantropi.[2] Time memasukkan Levitt ke daftar "100 People Who Shape Our World" tahun 2006.[3] Menurut survei profesor ekonomi tahun 2011, Levitt adalah ekonom hidup terfavorit keempat di bawah usia 60 tahun setelah Paul Krugman, Greg Mankiw, dan Daron Acemoglu.[4]
Karya pilihan
Publikasi ilmiah
- "Four essays in positive political economy" PhD Thesis, DSpace@MIT. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Economics, 1994.
- "Using Repeat Challengers to Estimate the Effect of Campaign Spending on Election Outcomes in the U.S. House." Journal of Political Economy, 1994, 102(4), pp. 777–98.
- "How Do Senators Vote? Disentangling the Role of Voter Preferences, Party Affiliation, and Senator Ideology." American Economic Review, 1996, 86(3), pp. 425–41.
- "The Effect of Prison Population Size on Crime Rates: Evidence from Prison Overcrowding Litigation." Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1996, 111(2), pp. 319–51.
- "The Impact of Federal Spending on House Election Outcomes." Journal of Political Economy, 1997, 105(1), pp. 30–53. (with Snyder, James M., Jr.).
- "Using Electoral Cycles in Police Hiring to Estimate the Effect of Police on Crime." American Economic Review, 1997, 87(3), pp. 270–90.
- "Measuring Positive Externalities from Unobservable Victim Precaution: An Empirical Analysis of Lojack." Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1998, 113(1), pp. 43–77 (with Ayres, Ian).
- "Juvenile Crime and Punishment". Journal of Political Economy. 106 (6). 1998. doi:10.1086/250043.
- "An Economic Analysis of a Drug-Selling Gang's Finances." Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2000, 115(3), pp. 755–89. (with Venkatesh, Sudhir A.).
- "The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime." Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2001, 116(2), pp. 379–420. (with Donohue, John J., III).
- "How Dangerous Are Drinking Drivers?" Journal of Political Economy, 2001, 109(6), pp. 1198–237. (with Porter, Jack) .
- "Testing Mixed-Strategy Equilibria When Players Are Heterogeneous: The Case of Penalty Kicks in Soccer." American Economic Review, 2002, 92, pp. 1138–1151 (With Chiappori, Pierre-Andre and Groseclose, Timothy).
- "Winning Isn't Everything: Corruption in Sumo Wrestling." American Economic Review, 2002, 92(5), pp. 1594–605. (with Duggan, Mark).
- "Using Electoral Cycles in Police Hiring to Estimate the Effects of Police on Crime: Reply." American Economic Review, 2002, 92(4), pp. 1244–50.
- "Rotten Apples: An Investigation of the Prevalence and Predictors of Teacher Cheating" Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2003, 118(3), pp. 843–77. (with Jacob, Brian A.).
- "The Causes and Consequences of Distinctively Black Names." Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2004, 119(3), pp. 767–805. (with Fryer, Roland G., Jr.)
- Levitt, Steven D. (2004). "Testing Theories Of Discrimination: Evidence From Weakest Link" (PDF). Journal of Law and Economics. 47 (2): 431. doi:10.1086/425591.
- Levitt, Steven D. (Winter 2004). "Understanding Why Crime Fell in the 1990s: Four Factors that Explain the Decline and Six that Do Not" (PDF). Journal of Economic Perspectives. 18: 163–190. doi:10.1257/089533004773563485.
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