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Llista de peixos de Washington

Localització de Washington als Estats Units
Oncorhynchus aguabonita
Sebastes borealis
Bathylaco nigricans (il·lustració del 1896)
Eptatretus stoutii
Sebastes maliger
Sebastes melanops
Sebastes nebulosus
Sebastes flavidus
Sebastes mystinus
Salvelinus namaycush
Albatrossia pectoralis
Diaphus theta (il·lustració del 1896)
Sebastes paucispinis
Sebastes miniatus
Acipenser transmontanus (il·lustració del 1868)
Sebastes nigrocinctus
Sebastes elongatus
Sebastes pinniger
Ameiurus melas
Tonyina d'ulls grossos (Thunnus obesus)
Ruscarius meanyi (il·lustració del 1895)
Agullat (Squalus acanthias)
Menidia beryllina
Peix gat de cap pla (Pylodictis olivaris)
Sebastes rosaceus
Sebastolobus alascanus
Sebastes ruberrimus
Gadus macrocephalus
Careproctus ovigerus
Thaleichthys pacificus
Cymatogaster aggregata
Magnisudis atlantica (il·lustració del 1911)
Spirinchus thaleichthys
Prosopium williamsoni
Sebastes caurinus
Icelinus borealis (il·lustració del 1906)
Tauró blanc (Carcharodon carcharias)
Peix guilla (Alopias vulpinus)
Acipenser medirostris (il·lustració del 1866)

Aquesta llista de peixos de Washington inclou 251 espècies de peixos que es poden trobar actualment a l'estat de Washington (Estats Units) ordenades per l'ordre alfabètic de llurs noms científics.



















  1. DeVore, J. D., B. W. James, C. A. Tracy i D. A. Hale, 1995. Dynamics and potential production of white sturgeons in the unimpounded lower Columbia River. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 124(6):845-856.
  2. Starks, E. C., 1896. List of fishes collected at Port Ludlow, Washington. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (Ser. 2), vol. 6: 549-562, Pls. 74-75.
  3. 3,0 3,1 Jordan D. S. & Gilbert C. H., 1880. Description of two new species of fishes, Ascelichthys rhodorus and Scytalina cerdale, from Neah Bay, Washington Territory. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus. Vol. 3 (núm. 144). 264-268.
  4. Gill, T. N., 1861. On a new typs (sic) of aulostomatoids, found in Washington Territory. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Vol. 13: 168-170.
  5. Hubbs, C. L. i L. P. Schultz, 1932. A new catostomid fish from the Columbia River. Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol. 2(1):1-14. [1]
  6. Schultz, L. P. i R. J. Thompson, 1936. Catostomus syncheilus palouseanus, a new subspecies of a catostomid fish from the Palouse River (Columbia R. system). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vol. 49: 71-76. [2]
  7. Stick, K. C. i A. Lindquist, 2009. 2008 Washington State herring stock status report. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Stock Status Report No. FPA 09-05. 100 p.
  8. Bean, T. H., 1884. Notes on some fishes collected by James G. Swan in Washington Territory, including a new species of Macrurus. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 6 (núm. 388): 362-364.
  9. Bailey, R. M. i M. F. Dimick, 1949. Cottus hubbsi, a new cottid fish from the Columbia River system in Washington and Idaho. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. 513:18 p.
  10. 10,0 10,1 Gilbert, C. H. & Evermann, B. W., 1894. A report upon investigations in the Columbia River basin, with descriptions of four new species of fishes. Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission, vol. 14 (1894): 169-207, Pls. 16-25.
  11. Smith, R., 1882. Description of a new species of Uranidea (Uranidea rothea) from Spokane River, Washington territory. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 5:347-348.
  12. Lemoine, M., M. K. Young, K. S. Mckelvey, L. Eby, K. L. Pilgrim i M. K. Schwartz, 2014. Cottus schitsuumsh, a new species of sculpin (Scorpaeniformes: Cottidae) in the Columbia River basin, Idaho-Montana, USA. Zootaxa 3755(3):241-258.
  13. Jordan, D. S., 1893. Description of a new species of cyprinoid fish, Couesius greeni, from the head waters of Frazer River in British Columbia. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 16 (núm. 938): 313-314. [3]
  14. Scholz, A. T., B. Z. Lang, A. R. Black, H. J. McLellan i R. L. Peck, 2003. Brook stickleback established in eastern Washington. Northwest Science, vol. 77 (núm. 2): 110-115.
  15. Pedevsen, M., 1975. Movements and growth of petrale sole tagged off Washington and southwest Vancouver Island. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 32(11):2169-2177.
  16. 16,0 16,1 16,2 Quinn, T. P., Sergeant, C. J., Beaudreau, A. H. i Beauchamp, D. A., 2012. Spatial and temporal patterns of vertical distribution for three planktivorous fishes in Lake Washington. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 21: 337–348. [4]
  17. Miller, B. S., 1970. Food of flathead sole (Hippoglossoides elassodon) in East Sound, Orcas Island, Washington. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 27:1661-1665.
  18. Leong, C.-C., 1967. Fecundity of the surf smelt, Hypomesus pretiosus (Girard), in the State of Washington. M.Sc. Thesis. Univ. Wash. 99 p.
  19. Quinn, T., K. Krueger, K. Pierce, D. Penttila, K. Perry, T. Hicks i D. Lowry, 2012. Patterns of surf smelt, Hypomesus pretiosus, intertidal spawning habitat use in Puget sound, Washington state. Estuaries and Coasts 35:1214-1228.
  20. Bean, T. H., 1888. Description of a new genus and species of fish, Acrotus willoughbyi, from Washington Territory. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 10 (núm. 672): 631-632. [5]
  21. 21,0 21,1 21,2 21,3 Vigg, S., T. P. Poe, L. A. Prendergast i H. C. Hansel, 1998. Rates of consumption of juvenile salmonids and alternative prey fish by northern squawfish, walleyes, smallmouth bass, and channel catfish in John Day Reservoir, Columbia River. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 120(4):421-438.
  22. Richardson, S. L., J. R. Dunn i N. A. Naplin, 1980. Eggs and larvae of butter sole, Isopsetta isolepis (Pleuronectidae), off Oregon and Washington. Fish. Bull. 78:401-417.
  23. Reid, S. B., D. A. Boguski, D. H. Goodman i M. F. Docker, 2011. Validity of Lampetra pacifica (Petromyzontiformes: Petromyzontidae), a brook lamprey described from the lower Columbia River basin. Zootaxa, núm. 3091: 42-50.
  24. Johnson, L. L., D. Misitano, S. Y. Sol, G. M. Nelson, B. French, G. M. Ylitalo i T. Hom, 1998. Contaminant effects on ovarian development and spawning success in rock sole from Puget Sound, Washington. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 127(3):375-392.
  25. Livingston, P. A. i M. S. Alton, 1982. Stomach contents of Pacific whiting, Merluccius productus, off Washington and Oregon, April-July 1967. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS F/NWC 32:29 p.
  26. Schultz, L. P., 1929. Description of a new type of mud-minnow from western Washington, with notes on related species. University of Washington Publication Fish. Vol. 2 (núm. 6): 73-81, Pls. 1-2.
  27. Pearcy, W. G., R. D. Brodeur i J. P. Fisher, 1990. Distribution and biology of juvenile cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki clarki and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in coastal waters off Oregon and Washington. Fish. Bull. 88(4):697-711.
  28. Losee, J. P., Fisher, J., Teel, D. J., Baldwin, R. E., Marcogliese, D. J. i Jacobson, K. C., 2014. Growth and condition of juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch relate positively to species richness of trophically transmitted parasites. Journal of Fish Biology, 85: 1665–1681. [6]
  29. Beetz, J. L., 2009. Marine survival of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Washington State: characteristic patterns and their relationship to environmental and biological factors. University of Wahington: Ms Thesis, 118p.
  30. Salo, E. O. i W. H. Bayliff, 1958. Artificial and natural production of silver salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, at Minter Creek, Washington. State of Washington, Dept. Fish., Res. Bull. 4. 81 p.
  31. Beacham, T. D., S. Pollard i K. D. Le, 1999. Population structure and stock identification of steelhead in Southern British Columbia, Washington, and the Columbia River based on microsatellite DNA variation. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 128(6):1068-1084.
  32. Doble, B. D. i D. M. Eggers, 1978. Diel feeding chronology, rate of gastric evacuation, daily ration, and prey selectivity in Lake Washington juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 107(1):36-45.
  33. Fisher, J. P. i W. G. Pearcy, 1995. Distribution, migration, and growth of juvenile chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, off Oregon and Washington. Fish. Bull. 93:274-289.
  34. Rondorf, D. W., G. A. Gray i R. B. Fairley, 1990. Feeding ecology of subyearling chinook salmon in riverine and reservoir habitats of the Columbia River. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 119(1):16-24.
  35. Gray, R. H. i D. D. Dauble, 1979. Biology of the sand roller in the central Columbia River. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 108(6):646-649.
  36. Schultz, L. P., 1931. Key to the fishes of Oregon and Washington, with a glossary of technical terms. University Bookstore, Seattle, Washington. 1-63.
  37. Myers, G. S., 1932. A new whitefish, Prosopium snyderi, from Crescent Lake, Washington. Copeia 1932(2):62-64.
  38. Starr, J. C. i Torgersen, C. E., 2014. Polymorphic mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) in a coastal riverscape: size class assemblages, distribution, and habitat associations. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. [7]
  39. Knutsen, C. J. i D. L. Ward, 1999. Biological characteristics of northern pikeminnow in the lower Columbia and Snake Rivers before and after sustained exploitation. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 128(6):1008-1019.
  40. Petersen, J. H. i D. L. Ward, 1999. Development and corroboration of a bioenergetics model for Northern Pikeminnow feeding on juvenile salmonids in the Columbia River. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 128(5):784-801.
  41. Peden, A. E. i G. W. Hughes, 1988. Sympatry in four species of Rhinichthys (Pisces), including the first documented occurrences of Rhinichthys umatilla in the Canadian drainages of the Columbia River. Canadian Journal of Zoology, vol. 66 (núm. 8): 1846-1856.
  42. Leary, R. F., F. W. Allendorf i S. H. Forbes, 1993. Conservation genetics of bull trout in the Columbia and Klamath river drainages. Conserv. Biol. 7(4):856-865.
  43. Polacek, M. C. i James, P. W., 2003. Diel microhabitat use of age-0 bull trout in Indian Creek, Washington. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 12: 81–86. [8]
  44. Punt, A. E., Butterworth, D. S., de Moor, C. L., De Oliveira, J. A. A. i Haddon, M., 2014. Management strategy evaluation: best practices. Fish and Fisheries. [9]
  45. Gunderson, D. R., 1977. Population biology of Pacific Ocean perch, Sebastes alutus, stocks in the Washington - Queen Charlotte Sound region, and their response to fishing. Fish. Bull. 75:369-403.
  46. 46,0 46,1 46,2 Schwenke, P., 2012. History and extent of introgressive hybridization in Puget Sound rockfishes (Sebastes auriculatus, Sebastes caurinus, and Sebastes maliger). University of Washington: Ms Thesis, 83 p.
  47. Cope, J. M., 2004. Population genetics and phylogeography of the blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) from Washington to California. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 61 (núm. 3): 332-342.
  48. Bonham, K., F. B. Sanford, W. Clegg i G. C. Bucher, 1949. Biological and vitamin A studies of dogfish landed in the State of Washington (Squalus suckleyi). Wash. Dept. Fish. Biol. Bull. 49A:83-114.
  49. All fishes reported from Washington, United States (contiguous states) - FishBase (anglès)
  50. Wydoski, R. S. i R. R. Whitney, 2003. Inland fishes of Washington. 2a edició: v-xiii; 3-322. [10]
  51. 2015 University of Puget Sound Arxivat 2015-08-31 a Wayback Machine. (anglès)


  • Brodeur, R. D. i W. G. Pearcy, 1990. Trophic relations of juvenile pacific salmon off the Oregon and Washington coast. Fish. Bull. 88(4):617-636.
  • Chapman, W. M. i A. C. DeLacy, 1933. Notes on the fishes of the State of Washington. Copeia 1933(2):102-103.
  • DeLacy, A. C., C. R. Hitz i R. L. Dryfoos, 1964. Maturation, gestation, and birth of rockfish (Sebastodes) from Washington and adjacent waters. Wash. Dep. Fish. Fish. Res. Pap. 2(3): 51-67.
  • Evermann, B. W. i S. E. Meek, 1898. A report upon salmon investigations in the Columbia River basin and elsewhere on the Pacific coast in 1896. Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission, vol. 17 (art. 2) (1897): 15-84, Pls. 1-2. [11]
  • Gowan, R. E., 1983. Population dynamics and exploitation rates of rockfish (Sebastes spp.) in Central Puget Sound, Washington. PhD dissertation, Univ. Washington. 146 p.
  • Grinols, R. B., 1965. Check-list of the offshore marine fishes occurring in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, principally off the coasts of British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. M. Sc. Thesis. Univ. Wash. 217 p.
  • Hall, J. D., Cederholm, C. J., Murphy, M. L. i Koski, K. V., 2004. Fish-Forestry Interactions in Oregon, Washington and Alaska, USA, in Fishes and Forestry: Worldwide Watershed Interactions and Management (eds. T. G. Northcote i G. F. Hartman), Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford. [12]
  • Hubbs, C. L., 1928. A check (sic) of the marine fishes of Oregon and Washington. Journal of the Pan-Pacific Research Institution, vol. 3 (núm. 3): 9-16.
  • Hueckel, G. J. i R. M. Buckley, 1987. The influence of prey communities on fish species assemblages on artificial reefs in Puget Sound, Washington. Environ. Biol. Fish. 19(3):195-214.
  • Keller, A. A., B. H. Horness, E. L. Fruh, V. H. Simon, V. J. Tuttle, K. L. Bosley, J. C. Buchanan, D. J. Kamikawa i J. R. i Wallace, 2008. groundfish resources off Washington, Oregon, and California: estimates of distribution, abundance, and length composition. U.S. Dept. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-93, 136 p.
  • Lanelli, J. N., D. H. Ito i M. Wilkins, 1995. Status and future prospects for the Pacific ocean perch resource in waters off Washington and Oregon as assessed in 1995. A: Status of the Pacific coast groundfish fishery through 1992 and recommended acceptable biological catches for 1996. Unpubl. rep. Pac. Fish. Manage. Council, Portland, Oregon.
  • Larson, K. W. i C. E. Moehl, 1990. Entrainment of anadromous fish by hopper dredge at the mouth of the Columbia River. Pàgs. 102-112. A: C. A. Simenstad (ed.). Effects of dredging on anadromous Pacific coast fishes. Workshop Proceedings, Seattle, 8-9 de setembre del 1988, Washington.
  • Miller, R. R. i R. G. Miller, 1948. The contributions of the Columbia River system to the fish fauna of Nevada: five species unrecorded from the state. Copeia 1948(3):174-187.
  • Peden, A. E. i G. S. Jamieson, 1988. New distributional records of marine fishes off Washington, British Columbia and Alaska. Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 102: 491-494. [13]
  • Poe, T. P., H. C. Hansel, S. Vigg, D. E. Palmer i L. A. Predergast, 1991. Feeding of predaceous fishes on out-migrating juvenile salmonids in John Day Reservoir, Columbia River. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 120(4):405-420.
  • Schultz, L. P., 1929. Check-list of the fresh-water fishes of Oregon and Washington. Publications in Fisheries, Seattle, Washington, vol. 2 (núm. 4): 43-50.
  • Schultz, L. P. i A. C. DeLacy, 1936. Fishes of the American Northwest. A catalogue of the fishes of Washington and Oregon, with distributional records and bibliography. J. Pan-Pac. Res. Inst. 11 (1 and 4).
  • Starks, E. C., 1911. Results of an ichthyological survey about the San Juan Islands, Washington. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, vol. 7 (núm. 2): 162-212, Pl. 29-31. [14]
  • Thurow, R. F., D. C. Lee i B. E. Rieman, 1997. Distribution and status of seven native salmonids in the interior Columbia River Basin and portions of the Klamath River and Great Basins. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, vol. 17 (núm. 4): 1094-1110.
  • Wydoski, R. S. i R. R. Whitney, 1979. Inland fishes of Washington. University Washington Press. 220p.

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