El Yokuts de la vall era un continu dialectal de les llengües yokuts de Califòrnia.
El chukchansi, que encara es parla, és ensenyat a classes de preescolar i a l'escola primària. Encara que no té ja parlants nadius, el tachi té un programa de llenguatge Headstart.
El yokuts de la vall és considerat de vegades tres idiomes, dels quals només el yokuts de la vall del nord encara es parla.[2]
- Yokuts de la vall més al nord (Yokuts del delta) (†)
- Yachikumne (Chulamni)
- Chalostaca
- Lakisamni
- Tawalimni
- Yokuts de la vall del nord
- Nopṭinṭe
- Chawchila
- Chukchansi
- Kechayi
- Dumna
- Yokuts de la vall del sud (†)
- Wechihit
- Nutunutu–Tachi
- Chunut (Sumtache)
- Wo’lasi–Choynok
- Wowol
- Telamni
- Koyeti–Yawelmani
D'ells, el yawelmani /jɑːwɛlˈmɑːni/,[3] també conegut com a Yowlumni, és el més conegut.
El yawelmani podria ser pres com a representatiu.
p p
t t
ṭ ʈ
k k
ʼ ʔ
ph pʰ
th tʰ
ṭh ʈʰ
kh kʰ
ṭʼ ʈʼ
kʼ kʼ
c t͡s
ch t͡sʰ
cʼ t͡sʼ
s s
ṣ ʂ
x x
h h
m m
n n
mʼ mʼ
nʼ nʼ
w w
l l
y j
wʼ wʼ
lʼ lʼ
yʼ jʼ
Yawelmani té 8 fonemes vocals:
- Hi ha 4 parells de vocals curtes.
- Les vocals altes curtes poden arribar a ser més centralitzades en la parla ràpida: /i/ → [ɪ], /u/ → [ʊ].
- Les vocals llargues altes són gairebé sempre més baixes que els seus contraparts curts: /iː/ → [ɛː], /uː/ → [ɔː].
- Totes les vocals llargues poden escurçar per un procés fonològic. Per tant, una sola vocal llarga té dues diferents realitzacions fonètiques:
- /iː/ → [ɛ, ɛː],
- /aː/ → [a, aː],
- /uː/ → [ɔ, ɔː],
- /ɔː/ → [ɔ, ɔː].
- Recordeu que la vocal alta llarga /uː/ es pronuncia generalment igual que /ɔ/ and /ɔː/.
Com es pot veure, les vocals yawelmani tenen un nombre de diferents realitzacions (fons) que es resumeixen a continuació:
- Archangeli, Diana B. (1985). Extrametricality in Yawelmani. Linguistic review, 4 (2), 101-120.
- Archangeli, Diana B. (1986). Yokuts harmony: Evidence for coplanar representation in nonlinear phonology. Linguistic inquiry, 16, 335-372.
- Archangeli, Diana B. (1988). Underspecification in Yawelmani phonology and morphology. Outstanding dissertations in linguistics. New York: Garland Pub. ISBN 0-8240-5175-0. (Revision of 1984 doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
- Archangeli, Diana B. (1991). Syllabification and prosodic templates in Yawelmani. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 9, 231-283.
- Gamble, Geoffrey. (1975). Consonant symbolism in Yokuts. International Journal of American Linguistics, 41, 306-309.
- Harris, Zellig. (1944). Yokuts structure and Newman's grammar. International Journal of American Linguistics, 10, 196-211.
- Hockett, Charles. (1967). The Yawelmani basic verb. Language, 26, 278-282.
- Hockett, Charles. (1973). Yokuts as a testing ground for linguistic methods. International Journal of American Linguistics, 39, 63-79.
- Hymes, Dell H. (1964). Language in culture and society: A reader in linguistics and anthropology. New York: Harper & Row.
- Kuroda, S.-Y. (1967). Yawelmani phonology. Special technical report (No. 15); M.I.T. research monograph series (No. 43). Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics.
- Kroeber, Alfred L. (1906). The Yokuts and Yuki languages. In B. Laufer & H. A. Andrews (Eds.), Boas anniversary volume (pp. 64–79). New York: G.E. Stechert & Co. (Reprinted as separate book 1906).
- Kroeber, Alfred L. (1906). The Yokuts and Yuki languages. New York: Stechert. (Originally in Laufer & Andrews 1906).
- Kroeber, Alfred L. (1907). The Yokuts language of south central California. University of California publications in American archaeology and ethnology (Vol. 2, pp. 165–377).
- Laufer, Berthold,; & Andrews, H. A. (Eds.). (1906). Boas anniversary volume: Anthropological papers written in honor of Franz Boas. New York: G.E. Stechert & Co.
- Newman, Stanley S. (1932). The Yawelmani dialect of Yokuts. International Journal of American Linguistics, 7, 85-89.
- Newman, Stanley S. (1940). Linguistic aspects of Yokuts style. Anthropological Record, 5 (1), 4-15. (Reprinted in Hymes 1964).
- Newman, Stanley S. (1944). Yokuts language of California. Viking Fund publications in anthropology (No. 2). New York: Viking Fund. (Reprinted 1963 & 1968, New York: Johnson Reprint Corp.).
- Newman, Stanley S. (1946). The Yawelmani dialect of Yokuts. In C. Osgood & H. Hoijer (Eds.), Linguistic structures of native America (pp. 222–248). New York: The Viking Fund.
- Newman, Stanley S. (1964). Linguistic aspects of Yokuts style. In D. H. Hymes, Language in culture and society. New York: Harper & Row. (Originally published as Newman 1940).
- Newman, Stanley S. (1966). Word classes in Yokuts. Lingua, 17, 182-199.
- Noske, Roland. (1985). Syllabification and Syllable Changing Processes in Yawelmani. In Harry van der Hulst & Norval S.H. Smith (Eds.), Advances in Nonlinear Phonology, Dordrecht: Foris, 335-361.
- Noske, Roland. (1993). A Theory of Syllabification and Segmental Alternation. With studies on the phonology of French, German, Tonkawa and Yawelmani. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
- Osgood, Cornelius; & Hoijer, Harry (Eds.). (1946). Linguistic structures of native America. Viking fund publications in anthropology (No. 6). New York: The Viking Fund. (Reprinted 1963, 1965, 1967, & 1971, New York: Johnson Reprint Corp.).
- Pullum, Geoffrey. (1973). Yokuts bibliography: An addendum. International Journal of American Linguistics, 39, 269-271.
- Steriade, Donca. (1986). Yokuts and the vowel plane. Linguistic inquiry, 17, 129-146.
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