National Film Award for Best Screenplay (1988) Man Bookerova cena (1997) Lannan Cultural Freedom Prize (2002) Sydney Peace Prize (2004) Orwellova cena (2004) … více na Wikidatech
Svého druhého manžela, filmaře Pradipa Krishena Roy potkala v roce 1984 a zahrála si i venkovskou dívku v jeho ceněném filmu Massey Sahib. Dokud nezačala být finančně nezávislá díky úspěchu jejího románu The God of Small Things, vyzkoušela mnoho nejrůznějších zaměstnání, včetně vedení hodin aerobiku v pětihvězdičkovém hotelu v Novém Dillí. Roy je sestřenicí známé indické celebrity Prannoye Roye, které vede významnou mediální skupinu NDTV,[2] a žije v Novém Dillí.
Na počátku své kariéry Roy pracovala pro televizi a točila filmy. Napsala scénáře k In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones (1989), filmu založenému na jejích zážitcích coby studentky architektury, režírovaném jejím současným manželem a k Electric Moon (1992); v obou též hrála. Roy přitáhla pozornost v roce 1994, kdy kritizovala film Bandit QueenShekhara Kapura, popisující život banditky Phoolan Devi.
The End of Imagination. Kottayam: D.C. Books, 1998. ISBN81-7130-867-8.
The Cost of Living. Flamingo, 1999. ISBN0-375-75614-0. Contains the essays "The Greater Common Good" and "The End of Imagination."
The Greater Common Good. Bombay: India Book Distributor, 1999. ISBN81-7310-121-3.
The Algebra of Infinite Justice. Flamingo, 2002. ISBN0-00-714949-2. Collection of essays: "The End of Imagination," "The Greater Common Good," "Power Politics", "The Ladies Have Feelings, So...," "The Algebra of Infinite Justice," "War is Peace," "Democracy," "War Talk", and "Come September."
Power Politics. Cambridge: South End Press, 2002. ISBN0-89608-668-2.
An Ordinary Person's Guide To Empire. Consortium, 2004. ISBN0-89608-727-1.
Public Power in the Age of Empire Seven Stories Press, 2004. ISBN1-58322-682-6.
The Checkbook and the Cruise Missile: Conversations with Arundhati Roy. Interviews by David Barsamian. Cambridge: South End Press, 2004. ISBN0-89608-710-7.
Introduction to 13 December, a Reader: The Strange Case of the Attack on the Indian Parliament. New Delhi, New York: Penguin, 2006. ISBN0-14-310182-X.
The Shape of the Beast: Conversations with Arundhati Roy. New Delhi: Penguin, Viking, 2008. ISBN978-0-670-08207-0.
Knihy a články o Arundhati Roy
ANŪP, Si. Arundhatiyuṭ̣e atbhutalōkaṃ. Trivandrum: New Indian Books, 1997.
BALVANNANADHAN, Aïda. Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things. New Delhi: Prestige Books, 2007. ISBN8175511931.
BHATT, Indira, Indira Nityanandam. Explorations: Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things. New Delhi: Creative Books, 1999. ISBN8186318569.
"The Politics of Design," in CH'IEN, Evelyn Nien-Ming. Weird English. [s.l.]: Harvard UP, 2005. Dostupné online. ISBN9780674018198. S. 154–99.
DHAWAN, R.K. Arundhati Roy, the novelist extraordinary. New Delhi: Prestige Books, 1999. ISBN8175510609.
DODIYA, Jaydipsinh, Joya Chakravarty. The Critical studies of Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things. New Delhi: Atlantic, 1999. Dostupné online. ISBN8171568505.
DURIX, Carole, Jean-Pierre Durix. Reading Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things. Dijon: Editions universitaires de Dijon, 2002. ISBN2905965800.
GHOSH, Ranjan, Antonia Navarro-Tejero. Globalizing dissent: Essays on Arundhati Roy. New York: Routledge, 2009. ISBN9780415995597.
MULLANEY, Julie. Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things: A reader’s guide. New York: Continuum, 2002. Dostupné online. ISBN0826453279.
NAVARRO-TEJERO, Antonia. Gender and caste in the Anglophone-Indian novels of Arundhati Roy and Githa Hariharan: feminist issues in cross-cultural perspectives. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen, 2005. ISBN0773459952.
PATHAK, R.S. The fictional world of Arundhati Roy. New Delhi: Creative Books, 2001. ISBN8186318844.
ROY, Amitabh. The God of Small Things: A Novel of Social Commitment. [s.l.]: Atlantic, 2005. Dostupné online. ISBN9788126904099. S. 37–38.
SHARMA, A.P. The mind and the art of Arundhati Roy: a critical appraisal of her novel, The God of Small Things. New Delhi: Minerva, 2000. ISBN817662120X.
SHASHI, R.S., Bala Talwar. Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things: Critique and commentary. New Delhi: Creative Books, 1998. Dostupné online. ISBN8186318542.
TICKELL, Alex. Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things. New York: Routledge, 2007. ISBN9780415358422.
↑Arundhati Roy, 1959 - [online]. Library of Congress, New Delhi Office, 2002-11-15 [cit. 2009-04-06]. (The South Asian Literary Recordings Project). Dostupné online.
Carreira, Shirley de S. G.A representação da mulher em Shame, de Salman Rushdie, e O deus das pequenas coisas, de Arundathi Roy. In: MONTEIRO, Conceição & LIMA, Tereza M. de O. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Caetés, 2005