Edmund Blair Leighton (21. september 1852 – 1. september 1922) var en engelsk maler i den historiske genre, der var specialiseret i regency- og middelaldermotiver.
Leighton var søn af kunstneren Charles Blair Leighton. Han blev uddannet på University College School, før han blev studerende ved Royal Academy Schools. Han giftede sig med Katherine Nash i 1885 og de fik en søn og datter. Han udstillede årligt på Royal Academy fra 1878 til 1920.
Leighton var en kræsen kunstner, der producerede malerier med mange detaljer i hans romantiske scener. Han har tilsyneladende ikke efterladt sig nogle dagbøger og selvom han udstilliede på Royal Academy i over 40 år blev han aldrig ansat som underviser eller lektor.
Ved hans død blev der udgivet flere nekrolog, hvor hans fødselsår fejlagtigt blev angivet som 1853 i stedet for 1852.[1]
- Old Times (1877), private collection.[2]
- Till Death Do Us Part (1878)
- The Dying Copernicus (1880)
- Un Gage d'Amour (1881), Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki.[3]
- Abelard and his Pupil Heloise (1882), Phillips Auctioneers, UK.[4]
- Duty (1883)
- Conquest (1884)[5]
- The Gladiator's Wife (1884), private collection.[4]
- The Rehearsal (1888), Croydon Clocktower, UK.[4]
- Call To Arms (1888), Roy Miles Fine Paintings.[4]
- A Stolen Interview (1888)
- Olivia (1888)
- How Liza Loved the King (1890), Towneley Hall Art Gallery and Museum, Burnley.[4]
- Lay thy sweet hand in mine and trust in me (1891)
- Lady Godiva (1892), Leeds City Art Gallery.[4]
- Two Strings (1893)
- Goodbye (1893)
- Launched in Life (1894)
- My Next-Door Neighbour (1894), privat samling.[4]
- Waiting for the Coach (1895), Manchester Art Gallery.[6]
- A Favour (1898)
- In Time of Peril (1897)
- Off (1899), Manchester Art Gallery.[7]
- God Speed (1900)
- On the Threshold (1900), Manchester Art Gallery.[8]
- The Accolade (1901), private collection.[4]
- Adieu (1901), Manchester Art Gallery.[9]
- Lilac (1901)
- Tristan and Isolde (AKA The End of the Song) (1902)
- Alain Chartier (1903)
- Ribbons and Laces for Very Pretty Faces (1904)
- The Dedication (1908)
- The Shadow (1909), City Hall, Cardiff[10]
- The Key (1909)
- Pelleas and Melisande (1910) Williamson Art Gallery and Museum
- To the Unknown Land (1911)
- The Boyhood of Alfred The Great (1913)
- My Fair Lady (1914)
- A Nibble (1914), private collection.[4]
- An Arrival (1916), City Hall, Cardiff[10]
- The Wedding March (1919)
- The Lord of Burleigh, Tennyson (1919), private collection.[4]
- Sweet Solitude (1919), private collection.[4]
- After Service (1921), private collection.[11]
- Signing the Register (undated), Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery.[4]
- The Fond Farewell (undated), Messum's, London.[4]
- Lord of the Manor (undated), private collection.[4]
- Sorrow and Song (undated), Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery.[4]
- Lady in a Garden
- The Charity of St. Elizabeth of Hungary
- The Rose's Day
- Stitching the Standard
- Waiting
- Cromwell dissolving the Long Parliament
- Forest Tryst
- Sweets to the Sweet
- Courtship
- Con Amore
- The Request
- The King and the Beggar-maid
In Time of Peril (1897)
The King and the Beggar-maid
Old Times (1877)
Till Death Do Us Part (1878)
Abelard and his Pupil
Heloise (1882)
The Elopement (1893)
Off (1899)
On the Threshold (1900)
Ribbons and Laces for Very Pretty Faces (1904)
My Next-Door Neighbour
My Fair Lady
In 1816
Courtship by the piano
Stitching the Standard: the lady prepares for a knight to go to war.
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