Annupamaa is an Indian playback singer from Tamil Nadu. She is known especially for the song "Chandralekha" (Konjam Nilavu) from Thiruda Thiruda. She is also trained in Carnatic music and a 6th grade solo pianist from Trinity College London.[1] Annupamaa Krishnaswami was born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on 2 September 1968. She got training in Carnatic music from the age of four and she began singing in school competitions from the age of eight. She had her school education from St. Anthony's Senior Secondary School, New Delhi and took her BA Degree in English from Kamala Nehru College, New Delhi in 1989. She dropped out of the Mass Communication Course from the Indian Institute of Mass Communication in New Delhi following her passion to become a singer. Annupamaa is married to J. Murali Krishnan, Executive Vice-president and National Creative Director of Optima Response and they live in Chennai.[2] Annupamaa used to take part in college competitions during her days as a student of Mass Communications. As a copy trainee in an ad agency, she had a chance to participate in an Ad Utsav.[3] Notable songs