The reserve, established in 1953, has a size of 241 hectares (600 acres). Apart from Badjaling Nature Reserve, two smaller nature reserves exist nearby, the Badjaling North Nature Reserve (58 hectares (140 acres), established 1906) and Badjaling West Nature Reserve (56 hectares (140 acres), established 1966).[3][4]
Vegetation consists of shrubland (54%), woodland (32%), a complex of halophytes occurring in a saline watercourse (11%), and a small amount of heath (3%). The woodland is mostly composed of low, shrublike trees of Banksia and Xylomelum. A 1980 survey recorded 111 plant species in the reserve,[5] but this did not include the endangeredBanksia cuneata (Quairading Banksia), which was discovered there in 1971 but not published until 1981.[6]
^Chapman, A (1980). "Introduction to Badjaling Nature Reserve, South Badjaling Nature Reserve, Yoting Town Reserve and Yoting Water Reserve". Biological Survey of the Western Australian Wheatbelt, Part 12: Badjaling Nature Reserve, South Badjaling Nature Reserve, Yoting Town Reserve & Yoting Water Reserve. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement. Vol. 12. pp. 9–11.
^Muir, B. G. (1980). "Vegetation of Badjaling Nature Reserve, South Badjaling Nature Reserve, Yoting Town Reserve and Yoting Water Reserve". Biological Survey of the Western Australian Wheatbelt, Part 12: Badjaling Nature Reserve, South Badjaling Nature Reserve, Yoting Town Reserve & Yoting Water Reserve. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement. Vol. 12. pp. 12–40.
^Kitchener, D. J.; Chapman, A. (1980). "Mammals of Badjaling Nature Reserve, South Badjaling Nature Reserve, Yoting Town Reserve and Yoting Water Reserve". Biological Survey of the Western Australian Wheatbelt, Part 12: Badjaling Nature Reserve, South Badjaling Nature Reserve, Yoting Town Reserve & Yoting Water Reserve. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement. Vol. 12. pp. 41–44.
^Dell, John (1980). "Birds of Badjaling Nature Reserve, South Badjaling Nature Reserve, Yoting Town Reserve and Yoting Water Reserve". Biological Survey of the Western Australian Wheatbelt, Part 12: Badjaling Nature Reserve, South Badjaling Nature Reserve, Yoting Town Reserve & Yoting Water Reserve. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement. Vol. 12. pp. 45–58.
^Chapman, A; Dell, John (1980). "Frogs and Reptiles of Badjaling Nature Reserve, South Badjaling Nature Reserve, Yoting Town Reserve and Yoting Water Reserve". Biological Survey of the Western Australian Wheatbelt, Part 12: Badjaling Nature Reserve, South Badjaling Nature Reserve, Yoting Town Reserve & Yoting Water Reserve. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement. Vol. 12. pp. 59–64.