Junglies is a British short-lived animated television series by Terry Ward, lasting from 1991-1992 on TV-am and BabyFirst in a US dub from 2006-2009.
The series is set on the fictional Junglie Island, an island somewhere between Africa and Asia.[1] Each episode follows the adventures of several anthropomorphised animals called the Junglies, all of whom are portrayed as young children.[1]
A total of 13 episodes were produced, and aired between 1992 and 1993 exclusively in the United Kingdom, some of which were released straight-to-video.[2] The series has never been released on DVD, although one episode, "Flying South", was featured on the VHS and DVD versions of "A Day Full of Animals and Songs".
Like Nellie the Elephant, another series by Ward, all the characters were only voiced by two actors, in this cast, all voices were provided by Gary Wilmot and Jessica Martin:
Tyrone – an energetic and mischievous tiger who is the leader of the Junglies.
Marvin – a mischievous and cheeky monkey.
Geraldine – a bucktoothed giraffe who loves butterflies.
Lester – an outspoken lion and Tyrone's best friend.
Henrietta – a hippopotamus whose mother is the school teacher.
Ethel – an elephant and Henrietta's best friend.
Zoe – a patient zebra who speaks with a French accent.
Albert – an alligator and Marvin's best friend.
Graham – a gorilla who only appears in the last episode.
The Sun – an unnamed, anthropomorphised sun. He is not always seen, has hands and arms and a face like vertebrate animals, and wakes up (and goes to sleep) at the beginning and middle of various episodes.
The Moon – a real, voiceless moon. The moon is not always seen, but it appears every night of the year on Junglie Island, even Christmas Day.
Firefly – a minor character on Junglies who appears every night of the year on Junglie Island. She is seen in the episodes "Say Cheese Everyone" and "A Journey To The Moon".
1. "First Day at School"
2. "Hide And Seek"
3. "Penny's Little Brother"
4. "Echo Valley"
5. "Albert's Tooth"
6. "Journey To The Moon"
7. "Where's Zoe"
8. "Say Cheese Everyone"
9. "Heavy, Heavy, Heavy"
10. "Down the River"
11. "Flying South"
12. "The Great Storm"
13. "A Very Big Monkey" (this episode was only broadcast and never commercially released)