The Blunders
The Blunders is an animated children's television series co-produced by FilmFair and Central Independent Television, and broadcast on ITV in 1986. It was written and directed by Ian Sachs. Colin Voisey and Haydn Morgan created the show's characters: Ma Blunder, Pa Blunder, Bobby Blunder, Baby Blunder, a cat named Zebra, a dog named Trouble, and an eye-patched bird named Patch. The comedian Frankie Howerd did all their voices. They all live together in the town of Villa Shambles, where they keep finding trouble because of their clumsiness. In the episode "The Blunder Family Tree", the Blunders find that their ancestors lived in the Roman Empire.[1] Episodes
Home releasesCastle Vision distributed episodes of the series on VHS videotape. Each tape features 10 episodes.[citation needed] See alsoNotes
. Retrieved 6 January 2013.
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