George Abbott |
1887–1995 |
107 |
American stage actor, director, playwright, screenwriter and producer[1]
Rosa Albach-Retty |
1874–1980 |
105 |
Austrian film and stage actress[2]
Jenny Alpha |
1910–2010 |
100 |
French Martinican actress and singer[3]
Lukas Ammann |
1912–2017 |
104 |
Swiss actor[4]
Nina Andrycz |
1912–2014 |
101 |
Polish actress[5]
Nikolay Annenkov |
1899–1999 |
100 |
Soviet-Russian actor[6]
Neal Arden |
1909–2014 |
104 |
British actor[7]
Svend Asmussen |
1916–2017 |
100 |
Danish jazz violinist[8]
Vincent Ball |
1923– |
101 |
Australian actor[9]
Richard L. Bare |
1913–2015 |
101 |
American motion picture and television director[10]
Etta Moten Barnett |
1901–2004 |
102 |
African-American stage actress and singer[11]
Dave Bartholomew |
1918–2019 |
100 |
American musician, bandleader, composer, arranger and record producer[12]
Norma Barzman |
1920–2023 |
103 |
American screenwriter[13]
Peggy Batchelor
British actress[14]
Sam Beazley |
1916–2017 |
101 |
British actor[15]
Amelia Bence |
1914–2016 |
101 |
Argentine film actress[16]
Bruce Bennett |
1906–2007 |
100 |
American actor and Olympic athlete[17]
Irving Benson |
1914–2016 |
102 |
American actor[18]
Peter Berkos |
1922–2024 |
101 |
American sound editor[19]
Hilda Bernard |
1920–2022 |
101 |
Argentine actress[20]
Eva von Berne |
1910–2010 |
100 |
Austrian film actress[21]
Walter Bernstein |
1919–2021 |
101 |
American screenwriter and film producer[22]
Pappukutty Bhagavathar |
1913–2020 |
107 |
Indian actor and singer[23]
Stella Bloch |
1897–1999 |
101 |
American dancer[24]
Susanna Bokoyni |
1879–1984 |
105 |
Hungarian circus performer[25]
Margaret Booth |
1898–2002 |
104 |
American film editor[26]
Osmond Borradaile |
1898–1999 |
100 |
Canadian cameraman and cinematographer[27]
Anna Maria Bottini |
1916–2020 |
104 |
Italian actress[28]
Rosa Bouglione |
1910–2018 |
107 |
French circus performer[29]
Robert F. Boyle |
1909–2010 |
100 |
American art director and production designer[30]
Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia |
1894–1998 |
103 |
Italian film director and screenwriter[31]
José Bragato |
1915–2017 |
101 |
Italian-born Argentine cellist, composer, conductor, arranger and musical archivist[32]
Artur Brauner |
1918–2019 |
100 |
German film producer[33]
Renate Brausewetter |
1905–2006 |
100 |
German silent film actress[34]
Helen Bray |
1889–1990 |
100 |
American actress[35]
Betty Brodel |
1920–2024 |
104 |
American Actress
Oscar Brodney |
1907–2008 |
100 |
American screenwriter[36]
Mona Bruns |
1899–2000 |
100 |
American actress[37]
Zoya Bulgakova |
1914–2017 |
102 |
Soviet-Russian stage actress[38]
Georgia Burke |
1878–1985 |
107 |
American film actress[39]
George Burns |
1896–1996 |
100 |
American actor and comedian[40]
Helen Burns |
1916–2018 |
101 |
British actress[41]
Bill Butler |
1921–2023 |
101 |
American cinematographer[42]
Anne Buydens |
1919–2021 |
102 |
American philanthropist and film producer[43]
John Calvert |
1911–2013 |
102 |
American magician[44]
Earl Cameron |
1917–2020 |
102 |
Bermudian-born British actor[45]
Anna Campori |
1917–2018 |
100 |
Italian actress[46]
Mary Carlisle |
1914–2018 |
104 |
American actress[47]
Diana Serra Cary |
1918–2020 |
101 |
American silent film child actress (known as "Baby Peggy"), author and cinema historian[48]
Christian Casadesus |
1912–2014 |
101 |
French actor; brother of fellow actress and centenarian Gisèle Casadesus[49]
Gisèle Casadesus |
1914–2017 |
103 |
French actress; sister of fellow actor and centenarian Christian Casadesus[50]
Wally Cassell |
1912–2015 |
103 |
Italian-born American character actor and businessman[51]
Raymond Cauchetier |
1920–2021 |
101 |
French photographer (French New Wave films)[52]
Marge Champion |
1919–2020 |
101 |
American dancer, choreographer and actress[53]
Juli Lynne Charlot |
1922–2024 |
101 |
American Actress, Singer And Fashion Designer
Geoffrey Chater |
1921–2021 |
100 |
British actor[54]
Angela Clarke |
1909–2010 |
101 |
American Actress
Chen Liting |
1910–2013 |
102 |
Chinese playwright, drama and film director[55]
Horacio Coppola |
1906–2012 |
105 |
Argentine photographer and filmmaker[56]
Irwin Corey |
1914–2017 |
102 |
American comedian[57]
Norman Corwin |
1910–2011 |
101 |
American screenwriter and producer[58]
Nelma Costa |
1922–2023 |
101 |
Brazilian actress[59]
Diosa Costello |
1913–2013 |
100 |
American entertainer[60]
Louise Currie |
1913–2013 |
100 |
American film actress[61]
Leila Danette |
1909–2012 |
103 |
American actress[62]
Henry Danton |
1919–2022 |
102 |
British dancer[63]
Robert Darène |
1914–2016 |
102 |
French actor, film director and screenwriter[64]
Danielle Darrieux |
1917–2017 |
100 |
French actress[65]
Jimmie Davis |
1899–2000 |
101 |
American singer and songwriter[66]
Gloria Dea |
1922–2023 |
100 |
American actress, dancer and magician[67]
Margia Dean |
1922–2023 |
101 |
American beauty queen and stage and screen actress[68]
Olivia de Havilland |
1916–2020 |
104 |
British-born American film actress[69]
Suzy Delair |
1917–2020 |
102 |
French actress, dancer and singer[70]
Rosine Delamare |
1911–2013 |
101 |
French Oscar-nominated costume designer[71]
Jean Delannoy |
1908–2008 |
100 |
French actor and film director[72]
Frances Dewey Wormser |
1903–2008 |
104 |
American stage actress[73]
Dorothy Dickson |
1893–1995 |
102 |
American-British stage actress[74]
Caren Marsh Doll |
1919– |
105 |
American actress and dancer[75]
Kirk Douglas |
1916–2020 |
103 |
American film actor and producer[76]
Ellen Albertini Dow |
1913–2015 |
101 |
American character actress[77]
Orlando Drummond |
1919–2021 |
101 |
Brazilian stage, television and film actor[78]
Claire Du Brey |
1892–1993 |
100 |
American film actress[79]
Paulette Dubost |
1910–2011 |
100 |
French actress[80]
Marta Eggerth |
1912–2013 |
101 |
Hungarian-born American actress and singer[81]
Mary Ellis |
1897–2003 |
105 |
American-born British stage actress[82]
Jean Erdman |
1916–2020 |
104 |
American dancer[83]
Carl Esmond |
1902–2004 |
102 |
German-American actor[84]
Irving Fein |
1911–2012 |
101 |
American television and film producer[85]
Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies |
1891–1992 |
101 |
British actress[86]
Gunnar Fischer |
1910–2011 |
100 |
Swedish cinematographer[87]
Rina Franchetti |
1907–2010 |
102 |
Italian actress[88]
Elissa Minet Fuchs |
1919–2023 |
103 |
American ballerina and choreographer[89]
Barbra Fuller |
1921–2024 |
102 |
American Actress[90]
Takumi Furukawa |
1917–2018 |
101 |
Japanese film director[91]
Arthur Gardner |
1910–2014 |
104 |
American television producer[92]
Hal Geer |
1916–2017 |
100 |
American producer and filmmaker[93]
Pierre Gérald |
1906–2012 |
105 |
French actor[94]
Erwin Geschonneck |
1906–2008 |
101 |
German actor[95]
Julie Gibson |
1913–2019 |
106 |
American actress and singer[96]
Marie Glory |
1905–2009 |
103 |
French actress[97]
Ebrahim Golestan |
1922–2023 |
100 |
Iranian-British film director and writer[98]
Dercy Gonçalves |
1907–2008 |
101 |
Brazilian actress[99]
Coleridge Goode |
1914–2015 |
100 |
Jamaican-born British jazz bassist[100]
Bert I. Gordon |
1922–2023 |
100 |
American film director[101]
Guido Gorgatti |
1919–2023 |
103 |
Italian-born Argentine film actor[102]
Karl Otto Götz |
1914–2017 |
103 |
German artist, filmmaker, draughtsman/printmaker, writer and art professor[103]
Derek Granger |
1921–2022 |
101 |
British film and television producer, and screenwriter[104]
Alda Grimaldi |
1919–2023 |
104 |
Italian television director and actress[105]
Liane Haid |
1895–2000 |
105 |
Austrian actress[106]
Anna Halprin |
1920–2021 |
100 |
American dancer and choreographer[107][108]
Stein Grieg Halvorsen |
1909–2013 |
104 |
Norwegian actor[109]
Kathleen Harrison |
1892–1995 |
103 |
British actress[110]
Shinobu Hashimoto |
1918–2018 |
100 |
Japanese film director, screenwriter, and producer[111]
Johannes Heesters |
1903–2011 |
108 |
Dutch actor, vocalist and performer[112]
Bob Hope |
1903–2003 |
100 |
British-born American actor and comedian[113]
Mieczysław Horszowski |
1892–1993 |
100 |
Polish-American pianist[114]
Shep Houghton |
1914–2016 |
102 |
American actor and dancer[115][116]
Yvonne Howell |
1905–2010 |
104 |
American silent film actress[117]
Marsha Hunt |
1917–2022 |
104 |
American actress[118][119]
Minoru Inuzuka |
1901–2007 |
106 |
Japanese film director and screenwriter[120]
Vilma Jamnická |
1906–2008 |
101 |
Slovakian actress[121]
Lucy Jarvis |
1917–2020 |
102 |
American television producer[122]
Joli Jászai |
1907–2008 |
101 |
Hungarian actress[123]
Gertrude Jeannette |
1914–2018 |
103 |
American actress, theatre director and producer[124]
Herb Jeffries |
1913–2014 |
100 |
American singer and actor[125]
Glynis Johns |
1923–2024 |
100 |
British actress, dancer, musician and singer[126]
Rolands Kalniņš |
1922–2022 |
100 |
Latvian film director, screenwriter and producer[127][128]
Tatyana Karpova |
1916–2018 |
102 |
Soviet-Russian actress[129]
Elizabeth Kelly |
1921– |
103 |
British actress
Lois Kelly Miller |
1917–2020 |
102 |
Jamaican actress[130]
John Kenley |
1906–2009 |
103 |
American Broadway director and producer[131]
Barbara Kent |
1907–2011 |
103 |
Canadian-born American actress[132]
Yuriko Kikuchi |
1920–2022 |
102 |
American dancer and choreographer[133]
Robert Kinoshita |
1914–2014 |
100 |
American art director[134]
Hans F. Koenekamp |
1891–1992 |
100 |
American cinematographer[135]
Herbert Köfer |
1921–2021 |
100 |
German actor[136]
Eileen Kramer |
1914–2024 |
110 |
Australian dancer, artist, performer and choreographer[137]
Krishnaveni |
1924– |
100 |
Indian actress[138]
Mae Laborde |
1909–2012 |
102 |
American television actress[139]
Carla Laemmle |
1909–2014 |
104 |
American film actress[140]
Guje Lagerwall |
1918–2019 |
100 |
Swedish actress[141]
Charles Lane |
1905–2007 |
102 |
American character actor[142]
Sid Laverents |
1908–2009 |
100 |
American amateur filmmaker[143]
Ray Lawler |
1921–2024 |
103 |
Australian playwright[144]
Norman Lear |
1922–2023 |
101 |
American television writer and film and television producer[145]
Nikolai Lebedev |
1921–2022 |
100 |
Soviet and Russian actor[146][147]
Yvette Lebon |
1910–2014 |
103 |
French actress[148]
Francis Lederer |
1899–2000 |
100 |
American actor[149]
Aleen Leslie |
1908–2010 |
101 |
American screenwriter[150]
Norman Lloyd |
1914–2021 |
106 |
American actor, director, producer and writer[151]
Elena Lucena |
1914–2015 |
101 |
Argentine actress[152]
Don Lusk |
1913–2018 |
105 |
American animator[153]
Ingrid Luterkort |
1910–2011 |
101 |
Swedish actress[154]
Dora Luz |
1918–2018 |
100 |
Mexican singer and recording artist[155]
Lincoln Maazel |
1903–2009 |
106 |
American actor and singer; father of conductor Lorin Maazel[156]
Kurt Maetzig |
1911–2012 |
101 |
German film director[157]
Maciej Maciejewski |
1914–2018 |
103 |
Polish actor[158]
Martin Magner |
1900–2002 |
101 |
German-American theatre and television director and producer[159]
Włada Majewska |
1911–2011 |
100 |
Polish radio journalist, actress and singer[160]
Tommie Manderson |
1912–2015 |
102 |
British make-up artist[161]
Don Marion |
1917–2020 |
103 |
American actor[162]
Margery Mason |
1913–2014 |
100 |
British actress[163]
Leslie H. Martinson |
1915–2016 |
101 |
American television and film director[164]
Carmen Martínez Sierra |
1904–2012 |
108 |
Spanish actress[165]
Annabel Maule |
1922– |
102 |
British actress[166]
Sherman Maxwell |
1907–2008 |
100 |
American sportscaster[167]
Fay McKenzie |
1918–2019 |
101 |
American actress[168]
Joe McQueen |
1919–2019 |
100 |
American jazz saxophonist[169]
Mariuccia Medici |
1910–2012 |
102 |
Italian-born Swiss actress[170]
Benjamin Melniker |
1913–2018 |
104 |
American film producer[171]
Sheila Mercier |
1919–2019 |
100 |
British actress[172]
Doris Merrick |
1919–2019 |
100 |
American actress and model[173]
Madeleine Milhaud |
1902–2008 |
105 |
French actress and librettist; wife of composer Darius Milhaud[174]
Moi-Yo Miller |
1914–2018 |
104 |
Australian magician's assistant[175]
Walter Mirisch |
1921–2023 |
101 |
American film producer[176]
Antony Mitradas |
1913–2017 |
103 |
Indian film director[177]
Igor Moiseyev |
1906–2007 |
101 |
Soviet-Russian choreographer[178]
Miguel Morayta |
1907–2013 |
105 |
Spanish-born Mexican film director[179]
Kay Morley |
1920–2020 |
100 |
American Actress
Patricia Morison |
1915–2018 |
103 |
American actress[180]
Meg Mundy |
1915–2016 |
101 |
British-born American actress[181]
Audrey Munson |
1891–1996 |
104 |
American actress and model[182]
Alexandra Myšková |
1922– |
102 |
Czech-Norwegian actress[183]
Randi Lindtner Næss |
1905–2009 |
104 |
Norwegian actress and singer[184]
Chemancheri Kunhiraman Nair |
1916–2021 |
104 |
Indian Kathakali actor[185]
Grim Natwick |
1890–1990 |
100 |
American animator[186]
Ivan Novikoff |
1899–2002 |
102 |
Russian ballet teacher[187]
Gladys O'Connor |
1903–2012 |
108 |
British-Canadian actress[188]
Kevin O'Morrison |
1916–2016 |
100 |
American actor and playwright[189]
Kazuo Ohno |
1906–2010 |
103 |
Japanese dancer[190]
Manoel de Oliveira |
1908–2015 |
106 |
Portuguese film director[191]
Nelly Omar |
1911–2013 |
102 |
Argentine actress and singer[192]
Lia Origoni |
1919–2022 |
103 |
Italian actress[193]
Risto Orko |
1899–2001 |
102 |
Finnish film producer and director[194]
Juan Orrego-Salas |
1919–2019 |
100 |
Chilean-American composer[195]
Ethel Waite Owen |
1893–1997 |
103 |
American actress[196]
Janis Paige |
1922–2024 |
101 |
American actress[197]
Donald Pelmear [fr] |
1924–2025 |
100 |
English actor[198]
Emily Perry |
1907–2008 |
100 |
British actress[199]
Nehemiah Persoff |
1919–2022 |
102 |
American actor[200]
Fern Persons |
1910–2012 |
101 |
American film and television actress[201]
Tullio Pinelli |
1908–2009 |
100 |
Italian playwright and screenwriter[202]
Marc Platt |
1913–2014 |
100 |
American actor and dancer[203]
Priscilla Pointer |
1924– |
100 |
American actress[204]
Olaf Pooley |
1914–2015 |
101 |
British actor[205]
Micheline Presle |
1922–2024 |
101 |
French actress[206]
Willis Pyle |
1914–2016 |
101 |
American animator[207]
Qin Yi |
1922–2022 |
100 |
Chinese actress[208][209]
Milton Quon |
1913–2019 |
105 |
American animator, artist and actor[210]
Luise Rainer |
1910–2014 |
104 |
German-born British-American Oscar-winning actress[211]
Irving Rapper |
1898–1999 |
101 |
British-American film director[212]
Harry Redmond Jr. |
1909–2011 |
101 |
American special effects artist and film producer[213]
Connie Douglas Reeves |
1901–2003 |
101 |
American cowgirl[214]
Helen Reichert |
1901–2011 |
109 |
American talk show personality and professor[215]
Georgette Rejewski |
1910–2014 |
104 |
Belgian-born Dutch actress[216]
Ted Richmond |
1910–2013 |
103 |
American film producer[217]
Leni Riefenstahl |
1902–2003 |
101 |
German film director[218]
Gerda Ring |
1891–1999 |
107 |
Norwegian stage actress and producer[219]
Maria Riva |
1924– |
100 |
American actress[220]
Hal Roach |
1892–1992 |
100 |
American film and television producer[221]
Edith Roger |
1922–2023 |
100 |
Norwegian dancer and choreographer[222]
Zvonimir Rogoz |
1887–1988 |
100 |
Croatian actor[223]
Jack Rollins |
1915–2015 |
100 |
American film producer[224]
Jean Rouverol |
1916–2017 |
100 |
American actress and screenwriter[225]
Witold Sadowy |
1920–2020 |
100 |
Polish actor[226]
Frederica Sagor Maas |
1900–2012 |
111 |
American screenwriter, playwright and essayist[227]
Eva Marie Saint |
1924– |
100 |
American actress[228]
Sol Saks |
1910–2011 |
100 |
American screenwriter and producer[229]
Paula Salomon-Lindberg |
1897–2000 |
102 |
German classical contralto singer[230]
Connie Sawyer |
1912–2018 |
105 |
American actress[231]
Ivy Sawyer |
1898–1999 |
101 |
American dancer, singer and actress[232]
Hannes Schiel |
1914–2017 |
103 |
Austrian actor[233]
Rolf Schimpf |
1924– |
100 |
German actor[234]
Robert C. Schnitzer |
1906–2008 |
101 |
American actor, producer, educator and theater administrator[235]
Walter Schultheiss |
1924– |
100 |
German actor, author and painter[236]
Ida Schuster |
1918–2020 |
101 |
British actress[237]
Alfie Scopp |
1919–2021 |
101 |
British-born Canadian actor[238]
Miriam Seegar Whelan |
1907–2011 |
103 |
American actress[239]
Zohra Sehgal |
1912–2014 |
102 |
Indian dancer and actress[240]
Tonio Selwart |
1896–2002 |
106 |
German actor and stage performer[241]
Marina Semyonova |
1908–2010 |
101 |
Soviet-Russian prima ballerina[242]
Ramananda Sengupta |
1916–2017 |
101 |
Indian cinematographer[243]
Athene Seyler |
1889–1990 |
101 |
British actress[244]
Helen Shaw |
1897–1997 |
100 |
American actress
Jane Sherman |
1908–2010 |
101 |
American dancer and writer[245]
Kaneto Shindo |
1912–2012 |
100 |
Japanese film director[246]
Helen Shingler |
1919–2019 |
100 |
British film and television actress[247]
Renée Simonot |
1911–2021 |
109 |
French actress; mother of actress Catherine Deneuve[248]
Douglas Slocombe |
1913–2016 |
103 |
British cinematographer[249]
June Spencer |
1919–2024 |
105 |
British radio actress[250]
Norman Spencer |
1914–2024 |
110 |
British film producer, production manager and screenwriter[251]
Helli Stehle |
1907–2017 |
109 |
Swiss actress and radio presenter[252]
Hugh Stewart |
1910–2011 |
100 |
British film editor and producer[253]
Dorothy Stickney |
1896–1998 |
101 |
American actress[254]
Gloria Stuart |
1910–2010 |
100 |
American film actress[255]
Alan Surgal |
1916–2017 |
100 |
American screenwriter[256]
Wolfgang Suschitzky |
1912–2016 |
104 |
Austrian cinematographer and photographer[257]
Danuta Szaflarska |
1915–2017 |
102 |
Polish actress[258]
Tang Xiaodan |
1910–2012 |
101 |
Chinese film director[259]
Gianrico Tedeschi |
1920–2020 |
100 |
Italian actor[260]
Ellaline Terriss |
1871–1971 |
100 |
British stage and film actress and musical performer[261]
Nini Theilade |
1915–2018 |
102 |
Danish ballet dancer, choreographer and teacher[262]
Frank M. Thomas |
1889–1989 |
100 |
American actor[citation needed]
Ruthie Tompson |
1910–2021 |
111 |
American animator[263]
Roman Totenberg |
1911–2012 |
101 |
Polish-American violinist[264]
Lupita Tovar |
1910–2016 |
106 |
Mexican-American actress[265]
Dorothy Toy |
1917–2019 |
102 |
Asian-American dancer[266]
Doris Eaton Travis |
1904–2010 |
106 |
American actress and dance instructor; last surviving Ziegfeld girl[267]
Roger Tréville |
1902–2005 |
102 |
French actor[268]
Mabel Trunnelle |
1879–1981 |
101 |
American actress[269]
Morton Tubor |
1917–2019 |
102 |
American film and sound editor[270]
Franca Valeri |
1920–2020 |
100 |
Italian actress[271]
Ninette de Valois |
1898–2001 |
102 |
Irish-born British dancer, teacher, choreographer and director of classical ballet; founder of The Royal Ballet in London[272]
Otakar Vávra |
1911–2011 |
100 |
Czech film director, screenwriter and pedagogue[273]
Meta Velander |
1924– |
100 |
Swedish actress[274]
Branka Veselinović |
1918–2023 |
104 |
Serbian actress[275]
Pauline Wagner |
1910–2014 |
103 |
American actress[276]
Bea Wain |
1917–2017 |
100 |
American big band singer and radio personality[277]
Mary Ward Breheny |
1915–2021 |
106 |
Australian actress and radio broadcaster[278]
Stan Waterman |
1923–2023 |
100 |
American cinematographer and film producer[279]
Laurie Webb |
1924– |
100 |
Welsh actor[280]
Señor Wences |
1896–1999 |
103 |
Spanish-American ventriloquist[281]
Gösta Werner |
1908–2009 |
101 |
Swedish film director[282]
Frances Wessells |
1919–2024 |
105 |
American dancer and choreographer[283]
Murray Westgate |
1918–2018 |
100 |
Canadian television and film actor[284]
Stephen Wilkinson |
1919–2021 |
102 |
British choral conductor and composer[285]
Elmo Williams |
1913–2015 |
102 |
American film and television editor[286]
Irv Williams |
1919–2019 |
100 |
American jazz saxophonist and composer[287]
Estelle Winwood |
1883–1984 |
101 |
British stage and film actress[288]
Norrie Woodhall |
1905–2011 |
105 |
British stage actress[289]
Katja Wulff |
1890–1992 |
101 |
Swiss expressionist dancer[290]
Yan Jizhou |
1917–2018 |
100 |
Chinese film director[291]
Arnold Yarrow |
1920–2024 |
104 |
British actor and screenwriter[292][293]
Dorothy Young |
1907–2011 |
103 |
American entertainer and assistant to magician Harry Houdini[294]
Izabella Yurieva |
1899–2000 |
100 |
Russian singer[295]
Miguel Zacarías |
1905–2006 |
101 |
Mexican film director and producer[296]
Manos Zacharias |
1922– |
102 |
Greek film director, cinematographer and actor[297]
Vladimir Zeldin |
1915–2016 |
101 |
Soviet-Russian actor[298]
Hilda Žīgure |
1918–2022 |
104 |
Latvian stage actress[299]
Adolph Zukor |
1873–1976 |
103 |
Austro-Hungarian-born American film producer; co-founder of Paramount Pictures[300]
Jorge Zuloaga |
1922–2022 |
100 |
Colombian television comedian[301]