Laban Ainsworth |
1757–1858 |
100 |
American clergyman and pastor[1]
Carlos Aldunate Lyon |
1916–2018 |
102 |
Chilean Jesuit priest, master of novices (Pope Francis) and writer[2]
Elizabeth Alfred |
1914–2015 |
101 |
Australian Anglican priest[3][4]
Albert Jean Amateau |
1889–1996 |
106 |
Turkish-born American rabbi[5]
Joseph Anderson |
1889–1992 |
102 |
American general authority of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints[6]
Saint Anthony |
251–356 |
105 |
Egyptian Christian saint[7]
Ferdinand Ashmall |
1695–1798 |
103 |
English Roman Catholic priest who died in the 73rd year of his ministry[8]
Corrado Bafile |
1903–2005 |
101 |
Italian Roman Catholic cardinal[9]
Giovanni Benedetti |
1917–2017 |
100 |
Italian Roman Catholic bishop[10]
Pravrajika Bhaktiprana |
1920–2022 |
102 |
Indian Hindu sannyasini[11]
Dmytro Blazheyovskyi |
1910–2011 |
100 |
Ukrainian scientist and religious author[12]
Henry Boehm |
1775–1875 |
100 |
American clergyman and pastor[13]
George William BonDurant |
1915–2017 |
101 |
American preacher (Restoration Movement of Christianity) and educator[14]
Boro Maa |
1918–2019 |
100–101 |
Indian Hindu leader, matriarch of the Matua Mahasangha[15][16]
Joseph Oliver Bowers |
1910–2012 |
102 |
Dominican Ghanaian Roman Catholic bishop[17]
Adalbert Brunke |
1912–2013 |
101 |
German Lutheran leader[18]
Loris Francesco Capovilla |
1915–2016 |
100 |
Italian Roman Catholic cardinal[19]
Jan van Cauwelaert |
1914–2016 |
102 |
Belgian Roman Catholic bishop[20]
John Cavell |
1916–2017 |
100 |
British Anglican bishop[21]
Laurence Chaderton |
1536–1640 |
103 |
English Anglican Puritan divine[22]
Saint Charalambos |
89?–202 |
113? |
Ancient Greek bishop[23]
Yehuda Chitrik |
1899–2006 |
106 |
American rabbi[24]
Jacques Clemens |
1909–2018 |
108 |
Dutch Roman Catholic priest[25]
James Burton Coffman |
1905–2006 |
101 |
American Christian preacher and teacher[26]
William C. Conway |
1865–1969 |
104 |
American mysticism leader[27]
Jorge da Costa |
1406–1508 |
101–102 |
Portuguese Roman Catholic cardinal[28]
Stephen Cumberbatch |
1909–2011 |
101 |
Trinidadian Anglican Archdeacon[29]
Quirino De Ascaniis |
1908–2009 |
100 |
Italian priest[30]
Antônio Afonso de Miranda |
1920–2021 |
101 |
Brazilian Roman Catholic prelate and Bishop Emeritus of Taubaté[31][32]
Indra Devi |
1899–2002 |
102 |
Russian-American yogi[33]
Bhante Dharmawara |
1889?–1999 |
110? |
Cambodian-born monk and educator[34]
Ralph Edward Dodge |
1907–2008 |
101 |
American bishop of the Methodist Church[35]
George Duggan |
1912–2012 |
100 |
New Zealand Roman Catholic priest, philosopher, seminary professor and writer[36]
Ephraim Einhorn |
1918–2021 |
103 |
Austrian rabbi based in Taiwan[37]
Yosef Shalom Eliashiv |
1910–2012 |
102 |
Israeli rabbi[38]
Hubertus Ernst |
1917–2017 |
100 |
Dutch Roman Catholic bishop[39]
Christopher Evans |
1909–2012 |
102 |
English chaplain and theologian[40]
Sophia Lyon Fahs |
1876–1978 |
101 |
American Unitarian minister, educator and writer[41]
Vincent Foy |
1915–2017 |
101 |
Canadian Roman Catholic cleric and theologian[42]
Eugene Maxwell Frank |
1907–2009 |
101 |
American religious leader and Methodist Church bishop[43]
Reginald C. Fuller |
1908–2011 |
102 |
British Roman Catholic priest[44]
Irineos Galanakis |
1911–2013 |
101 |
Greek Orthodox bishop[45]
José de Jesús García Ayala |
1910–2014 |
103 |
Mexican Roman Catholic bishop[46]
Victor Garaygordóbil Berrizbeitia |
1915–2018 |
102 |
Spanish Roman Catholic bishop[47]
Manuel Edmilson da Cruz
Brazilian Roman Catholic bishop
Peter Leo Gerety |
1912–2016 |
104 |
American Roman Catholic bishop[48]
Davuldena Gnanissara Thero |
1915–2017 |
101 |
Sri Lankan scholar Buddhist monk and supreme Mahanayaka of the Sri Lanka Amarapura Nikaya[49]
René Henry Gracida |
1923– |
101 |
American Bishop[50]
Maxine Grimm |
1914–2017 |
102 |
American LDS Church leader[51]
Ezekiel Guti |
1923–2023 |
100 |
Zimbabwean evangelist[52]
Nolan Bailey Harmon |
1892–1993 |
100 |
American Methodist bishop and author[53]
Theodore Heck |
1901–2009 |
108 |
American Benedictine monk[54]
Augustine Hoey |
1915–2017 |
101 |
English Anglican priest[55]
Hosius of Corduba (also known as Osius or Ossius) |
256–359 |
102 |
Bishop of Corduba (now Córdoba, Spain)[56]
Edward Howard |
1877–1983 |
105 |
American Roman Catholic archbishop[57]
Ben Huan |
1907–2012 |
104 |
Chinese Buddhist[58]
Damián Iguacén Borau |
1916–2020 |
104 |
Spanish Roman Catholic bishop[59]
Isaac of Armenia |
338–439 |
100–101 |
Parthian Catholicos of Armenia[60]
Florence S. Jacobsen |
1913–2017 |
103 |
American President of the Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association[61]
John the Silent |
454–558 |
104 |
Greek Christian saint[62]
Meir Just |
1908–2010 |
101 |
Dutch Chief Rabbi[63]
Yitzhak Kaduri |
1899?/1900?–2006 |
106? |
Iraqi-born Orthodox rabbi and kabbalist[64]
Shmuel Kamenetsky |
1924– |
100 |
American rabbi [65]
Augoustinos Kantiotes |
1907–2010 |
103 |
Greek Orthodox bishop[66]
Mordecai Kaplan |
1881–1983 |
102 |
Lithuanian rabbi and founder of Reconstructionist Judaism[67]
Gregory of Khandzta |
759–861 |
101–102 |
Georgian saint of the Georgian Orthodox and Apostolic Church[68]
Hossein Wahid Khorasani |
1921– |
104 |
Iranian ayatollah and author[69]
Consolata Kline |
1916–2016 |
100 |
American Roman Catholic sister[70]
Myer S. Kripke |
1914–2014 |
100 |
American rabbi[71]
Guillermo Leaden |
1913–2014 |
100 |
Argentine Roman Catholic bishop[72]
Felice Leonardo |
1915–2015 |
100 |
Italian Roman Catholic bishop[73]
Géry Leuliet |
1910–2015 |
104 |
French Roman Catholic bishop[74]
Albert Malbois |
1915–2017 |
101 |
French Roman Catholic bishop[75]
Bernard Joseph McLaughlin |
1912–2015 |
102 |
American Roman Catholic bishop[76]
Weweldeniye Medhalankara Thero |
1909–2012 |
102 |
Sri Lankan Buddhist monk and Mahanayaka of Sri Lanka Ramanna Nikaya[77]
Antonio Rosario Mennonna |
1906–2009 |
103 |
Italian Roman Catholic bishop[78]
Halvor Midtbø |
1883–1985 |
101 |
Norwegian priest and temperance activist[79]
Richard Millard |
1914–2018 |
103 |
American episcopal prelate and bishop of California (1960–1978)[80]
William McElwee Miller |
1892–1993 |
100 |
American missionary and author[81]
Francesco Minerva |
1904–2004 |
100 |
Italian archbishop emeritus of Lecce[82]
Narcissus of Jerusalem |
c. 99?–c. 215 |
116? |
Ancient Roman Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem[83]
Oswald von Nell-Breuning |
1890–1991 |
101 |
German Roman Catholic theologician and sociologist[84]
Russell Marion Nelson |
1924– |
100 |
President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints[85]
Nguyễn Khắc Ngư |
1909–2009 |
100 |
Vietnamese Roman Catholic bishop[86]
Nguyễn Văn Thiện |
1906–2012 |
106 |
Vietnamese Roman Catholic bishop[87]
Arturo Paoli |
1912–2015 |
102 |
Italian priest and missionary[88]
Paul of Thebes |
227?–341 |
113? |
Egyptian Christian saint[89]
Odorico Leovigildo Sáiz Pérez |
1912–2012 |
100 |
Spanish Roman Catholic bishop[90]
Philipose Mar Chrysostom Mar Thoma |
1918–2021 |
103 |
Indian bishop of Mar Thoma Syrian Church.[91]
Bernardino Piñera |
1915–2020 |
104 |
French-born Chilean Roman Catholic bishop[92]
Muhammad Qadiri |
1552–1654 |
101 |
Pakistani Islamic scholar and preacher[93]
Chatral Rinpoche |
1913–2015 |
102 |
Tibetan Buddhist yogi[94]
Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani |
1919–2022 |
102 |
Iranian marja'[95]
Nicholas Salamis |
1897–2005 |
108 |
Greek-born Canadian Greek Orthodox priest[96]
Tom Salmon |
1913–2013 |
100 |
Irish Anglican cleric[97]
Kyozan Joshu Sasaki |
1907–2014 |
107 |
Japanese Rinzai Zen teacher[98]
James Schaffer |
1910–2014 |
104 |
American Christian leader[99]
Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg |
1910–2012 |
101 |
Israeli rabbi[100]
Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman |
1913–2017 |
103–104 |
Israeli Haredi rabbi and posek[101]
Elazar Shach |
1899–2001 |
102 |
Israeli leading Haredi rabbi[102]
Eldred G. Smith |
1907–2013 |
106 |
American former Presiding Patriarch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints[103]
Andreas Peter Cornelius Sol |
1915–2016 |
100 |
Dutch Roman Catholic bishop[104]
Mack B. Stokes |
1911–2012 |
100 |
American bishop of the Methodist Church[105]
Shivakumara Swami |
1907?–2019 |
111? |
Indian religious leader[106]
Tillit Sidney Teddlie |
1885–1987 |
102 |
American hymnalist and pastor
Tenkai |
1536–1643 |
106–107 |
Japanese Tendai Buddhist monk[107]
Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Thero |
1896–1998 |
101 |
Sri Lankan scholar-monk[108]
Nicholas Kao Se Tseien |
1897–2007 |
110 |
Chinese Catholic priest and oldest person ever to have a cataract operation[109]
Marian Tumler |
1887–1987 |
100 |
Austrian theologian and Grand Master of the Teutonic Order[110]
(Somdet Phra Sangharaja Chao Krommaluang) Vajirañāṇasaṃvara |
1913–2013 |
100 |
19th Supreme Patriarch of Thailand[111]
Agnès-Marie Valois |
1914–2018 |
103 |
French nun and World War II nurse[112]
Francisco Raúl Villalobos Padilla |
1921–2022 |
101 |
Mexican prelate of the Roman Catholic Church[113]
Daniel Waldo |
1762–1864 |
101 |
American clergyman[114]
Warren Prall Watters |
1890–1992 |
102 |
American founding archbishop of the Free Church of Antioch[115]
Herbert George Welch |
1862–1969 |
106 |
American Methodist bishop and president of Ohio Wesleyan University[116]
Eleutherius Winance |
1909–2009 |
100 |
Belgian monk and co-founder of St. Andrew's Abbey[117]
Shmuel Wosner |
1913–2015 |
101 |
Israeli Haredi rabbi[118]
Gershon Yankelewitz |
1909–2014 |
105 |
Belarusian-born American rabbi[119]