Born in Paris, Pierre Klossowski was the older brother of the artist Balthazar Klossowski, better known as Balthus. Their parents were the art historian Erich Klossowski and the painter Baladine Klossowska. His German-educated father came from a family supposedly belonging to the former Polish petty nobility (drobna szlachta) and bearing the Rola coat of arms. His mother, Baladine Klossowska, was born as Elisabeth Dorothea Spiro in Breslau, Prussia (now Wrocław, Poland). When he was 18, Pierre was André Gide's secretary and worked on the drafts of Les faux-monnayeurs for him. Klossowski was responsible for a new publication of The 120 Days of Sodom & Other Writings by the Marquis de Sade in 1964.
Sade mon prochain preceded by Le philosophe scélérat (Paris: Seuil, 1947)
Contents: Avertissement; Le philosophe scélérat. Sade mon prochain: Sade et la Révolution; Esquisse du système de Sade; Sous le masque de l'athéisme; Appendices.
Sade My Neighbor trans. by Alphonso Lingis (Northwestern University Press, 1991)
Contents: Translator's Introduction; Preface; The Philosopher Villain; Sade My Neighbor: Sade and the revolution; Outline of Sade's system; Under the Mask of Atheism.
Contents: Sur quelques thèmes fondamentaux de la Gaya Scienza de Nietzsche; Gide, du Bos et le démon; En marge de la correspondance de Claudel et de Gide; Préface à Un prêtre marié de Barbey d'Aurevilly; La messe de Georges Bataille; Le language, le silence et le communisme; Sur Maurice Blanchot; Nietzsche, le polythéisme et la parodie.
Such a Deathly Desire trans. by Russell Ford (State University of New York Press, 2007)
Les Lois de l'hospitalité (Paris: Gallimard, 1965) (trilogy of the 'Roberte' novels: La Révocation de l'Édit de Nantes (1959), Roberte ce soir (1954), and Le Souffleur (1960))
Roberte ce Soir and The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes trans. by Austryn Wainhouse with introduction by Micheal Perkins (Dalkey Archive Press, 2002)
Origines Culturelles et mythiques d'un certain comportement des dames romaines (Paris: Fata Morgana, 1968)
Contents: Introduction; Le combat contre la culture; Les états valétudinaires à l'origine d'une sémiotique pulsionnelle; L'expérience de l'Éternel Retour; Les états valétudinaires à l'origine des quatre critères : décadence, essor, grégarité, cas singulier; Tentative d'une explication scientifique de l'Éternel Retour; Le cercle vicieux en tant que doctrine sélective; La consultation de l'obre paternelle; La plus belle invention du malade; L'euphorie de Turin; Note additionnelle à la sémiotique de Nietzsche.
Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle (London: The Athlone Press, 1997, 2000 ISBN0-485-12133-6; University of Chicago Press, 1998, ISBN0-226-44387-6;)
Contents: Translator's Preface; Introduction; 1. The Combat against Culture; 2. The Valetudinary States at the Origin of a Semiotic of Impulses; 3. The Experience of the Eternal Return; 4. The Valetudinary States at the Origin of Four Criteria: Decadence, Vigour, Gregariousness, the Singular Case; 5. Attempt at a Scientific Explanation of the Eternal Return; 6. The Vicious Circle as a Selective Doctrine; 7. The Consultation of the Paternal Shadow; 8. The Most Beautiful Invention of the Sick; 9. The Euphoria of Turin; 10. Additional Note on Nietzsche's Semiotic; Notes; Index.
La Monnaie vivante (Paris: Éric Losfield, 1970)
La Ressemblance (Marseille: André Dimanche, 1984)
Les derniers travaux de Gulliver (Paris: Fata Morgana, 1987)
Le Mage du Nord (Montpellier: Fata Morgana, 1988)
Posthumous publications
Écrits d'un monomane: Essais 1933–1939 (Paris: Gallimard, 2001)
Contents: 1. Essais d'Acéphale: Don Juan selon Kierkegaard; Création du monde; Deux interprétations récentes de Nietzsche; Le monstre. 2. Trois amitiés: Rainer Maria Rilke et les Élégies de Duino; Pierre Jean Jouvre romancier : Catherine Crachat; Lettre sur Walter Benjamin. 3. Les règles de l'art: De Contre-Attaque à Acéphale; Explication continuée; Fragments d'une lettre à Michel Butor. 4. Du tableau vivant, en particulier: Du tableau vivant dans la peinture de Balthus; La 'Judith de Frédéric Tonnerre; On peut toujours dire que le trait...; L'on me demandait naguère pourquoi...; La description, l'argumentation, le récit...; Le geste muet du passage matériel au dessin; Du Simulacre.
Living Currency trans by Daniel W. Smith, Vernon W. Cisney, and Nicolae Morar (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017)
Friedrich Sieburg, Défense du nationalisme allemand, Grasset (1933)
Friedrich Sieburg, Robespierre, E. Flammarion (1936)
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus suivi de Investigations philosophiques (1961)
Martin Heidegger, Nietzsche (1971)
Friedrich Nietzsche, Le Gai Savoir
Walter Benjamin, L'œuvre d'art à l'époque de sa reproduction mécanisée [in consultation with the author for the first publication of the essay in 1936]
J. G. Hamann, Les Méditations Bibliques, Minuit (1948). Critical edition, Éditions Ionas, 2016, read online.
^Alex Hughes, "Erotic Writing" in Hughes and Keith Reader, Encyclopedia of contemporary French culture (pp. 187–88). London, Routledge, 1998, ISBN0-415-13186-3
^Smith, Daniel W.; Klossowski, Pierre (1997). Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. pp. vii–viii. ISBN0-226-44387-6.
Further reading
Agostini, Giulia: Der Riss im Text. Schein und Wahrheit im Werk Pierre Klossowskis, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munich 2012, ISBN978-3-7705-5323-5. In German.
Decottignies, J., Klossowski notre prochain (Paris: H. Veyrier, 1985) ISBN978-2-85199-377-9 In French.
Decottignies, J., Pierre Klossowski. Biographie d’un monomane (Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1997) ISBN978-2-85939-523-0 In French.
Faulkner, J., “The Vision, the Riddle, and the Vicious Circle: Pierre Klossowski Reading Nietzsche’s Sick Body through Sade’s Perversion.” Textual Practice. 21[1] (March 2007): 43–69.
Hill, Leslie, Bataille, Klossowski, Blanchot: Writing at the Limit (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001)
James, Ian, Pierre Klossowski: The Persistence of a Name (Oxford: Legenda, 2000)
James, Ian and Ford, Russell (guest editors), Diacritics, Special Issue: Whispers of the Flesh Essays in Memory of Pierre Klossowski, 35[1] (Spring 2005).
Lugan-Dardigna, A.-M., Klossowski. L’homme aux simulacres (Paris: Navarin, 1986) ISBN2-86827-044-1 In French.
Madou, J.-P., Démons et simulacres dans l’œuvre de Pierre Klossowski (Paris: Méridiens Klincksiek, 1987) ISBN978-2-86563-182-7 In French.
Marroni, A., Klossowski e la comunicazione artistica (Palermo: Centro Internazionale Studi di Estetica, 39, 1993)
Marroni, A., Pierre Klossowski. Sessualità, vizio e complotto nella filosofia (Milan: Costa & Nolan, 1999) ISBN978-88-7648-383-7
Bennett, Jill, "Kama and Eroticism", Body. The Art Gallery of New South Wales (1997).ISBN0-9587206-0-6
Marroni, A. Laws of perversion and hospitality in Pierre Klossowski, "Journal of European Psychoanalysis", 25, 2007;
Marroni, A. L'arte dei simulacri. Il dèmone estetico di Pierre Klossowski, Costa & Nolan, Milan 2009, ISBN978-88-7437-124-2;
Spira, Anthony, & Sarah Wilson, Pierre Klossowski (Ostfilden: Hatje Cantz Publishers, 2006) ISBN3-7757-1792-7. Exhibition Catalogue. Whitechapel Gallery London 20 September - 19 November 2006, Ludwig Museum Cologne 21 December 2006 - 18 March 2007, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris 2 April - 4 June 2007.
Tremblay, Thierry, Anamnèses. Essai sur l'œuvre de Pierre Klossowski (Paris: Hermann, 2012). ISBN978-2-7056-8277-4 In French.
Ubilluz, Juan Carlos, Sacred Eroticism: Georges Bataille and Pierre Klossowski in the Latin American Erotic Novel (Bucknell University Press, 2006) ISBN0-8387-5625-5