Ugly Duckling of the Entertainment District (みにくい遊郭の子, Minikui Yūkaku no Ko) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Naru Kariya. It began serialization on Comic Smart's Ganma! manga website in May 2021, with its volume releases handled by Hifumi Shobo.
Written and illustrated by Naru Kariya, Ugly Duckling of the Entertainment District began serialization on Comic Smart's Ganma! manga website on May 28, 2021.[2] Its chapters have been compiled imprint into seven tankōbon volumes published under Hifumi Shobo's Lavare Comics as of October 2024.[3][4]
During their panel at Anime Expo 2023, Mangamo announced that they had licensed the series and added it to their platform.[1]
The series was nominated for the ninth Next Manga Awards in the web category.[11] The series ranked fifth in AnimeJapan's "Most Wanted Anime Adaptation" Poll.[12]