Asymptonic Efficiency of Statistical Estimators: Concepts and Higher Order Asymptotic Efficiency,Lecture Notes in Statistics Vol.7, Springer, 1981, Co-author M.Akahira.
The Foundations of Multivariate Analysis. A Unified Approach by Means of Projection Onto Linear Subspaces. John Wiley Eastern, 1982, Co-authors H.Yanai, B.N.Mukherjeee.
On a special class of regression problems and its applications - randomcombined fractional factorial designs. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 7, 1960. 166-
On a special class of regression problems and its applications - randomcombined fractional factorial designs(continued). Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 8, 1961.
On a special class of regression problems and its applications - some remarks about general models. Rep. Statist.Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 8, 1961. 7-
On a special class of regression problems and its applications - randombalanced incomplete block designs. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 8, 1961. 18-
On asymptotic equivalence of two tests for homogeneity of variances. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs.8, 1961. 112-
On the optimality of certain type of PBIB designs. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 8, 1961. 140-145
A note on the degrees of freedom of combined chi-square variables. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 8,1961.182- , Co-author T. Okuno
Some remarks about unbiased estimation in sampling from finite populations. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci.Engrs. 8, 1961. 207-
On some properties of error area in the fractile graph method. Sankhya Ser. A 23, 1961 65--78
A remark on the model of bradley and terry in paired comparisons. Rep. Stat. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 9,1962. 198
On a fallacy of Gunnar Blom's theorem. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 9, 1962 34--35
A table of difference sets generating balanced incomplete block designs. Rev. Inst. Internat. Statist. 30, 1962 361-366
A remark on the intuitive interpretation of the principle component. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 10,1963 176
On the construction of a series of BIB designs. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 10, 1963 226
A remark added to ``On the optimality of certain type of PBIB designs. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 10, 1963 225
Some remarks on general theory for unbiased estimation of a real parameter of a finite population. Japan. J. Math. 35,1966. 73--84
Robust estimation and robust parameter, Report of the IMSmeeting, 1967
Minimax linear predictor for the regression function under lipschitz type conditions. IMM Report, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 1968
A class of uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators when the rank of probability distribution is finite. IMM Report,Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 1968
On a problem of fixing the level of independent variable in a linear regression function. IMM Report, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 1968
A test for normality, especially against symmetric alternatives. IMM Report, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 1968
A note on the test for the location parameter of an exponential distribution. Ann. Math. Statist. 40, 1969. 1838--1839
Asymptotically efficient tests for location: Nonparametric and asymptotically Nonparametric Techniques in Statistical Inference (Proc. Sympos., Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind.) pp. 283 -296. 1970
Exact sampling moments of ordinary least squares, instrumental variable, and two-stage least squares estimations,International Economic Review vol. 11-1, 1970
A uniformly asymptotically efficient estimator of a location parameter. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 66, 1971 292-301
On location parameter family of distributions with uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator of location. in 3 Proceedings of the Second Japan-USSR Symposium on Probability Theory(Kyoto, 1972),pp. 465-477.
A test for multivariate normality. Behaviormetrika 1,59-64,1974
Characterizations of prediction sufficiency (adequacy) in terms of risk functions. Ann. Statist. 3, no. 4,1018-1024,Co-author M. Akahira
On the second order asymptotic efficiency of estimators in multiparameter cases. Rep. Univ. Electro-Commun 26,(1975/76),no. 2,261-269. Co-author M. Akahira
On Gram-Charlier-Edgeworth type expansion of the sums of random variables. I. Rep. Univ. Electro-Commun 27,(1976),no. 1,95-115. Co-author M. Akahira
On Gram-Charlier-Edgeworth type expansion of the sums of random variables. II. Rep. Univ. Electro-Commun 27,(1976), no. 1, 117 - 123. Co-author M.Akahira
On the second order asymptotic efficiencies of estimators. Proceedings of the Third Japan-USSR Symposium on Probability Theory (Tashkent, 1975), 1976. 604 - 638. Co-author M.Akahira
A survey of robust estimation of location: models and procedures, especially in case of measurement of a physical quantity. Bull. Inst. Internat. Statist. 46, (1975), no. 1,336-348,383-391 (1976).
On sampling distribution of criteria for selection of independent variables related with Cp-statistic. Proceedings of the International Biometric Conference 9,1976,24-36.
Extension of Edgeworth type expansion of the distribution of the sums of i.i.d. random variables in non-regular cases. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 29, (1977), no. 3, 397 - 406. Co-author M. Akahira.
Comments on ``On resolving the controversy in statistical inference J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 39, 1977, 162-163
Third order asymptotic efficiency of maximum likelihood estimator for multiparameter exponential case. Rep. Univ. Electro-Comm. 28, (1977/78), no. 2,271-293. Co-author M. Akahira.
Asymptotic optimality of the generalized Bayes estimator. Rep. Univ. Electro-Comm. 29, (1978/79), no. 1, 37-45. Co-author M. Akahira.
On Gram-Charlier-Edgeworth type expansion of the sums of random variables. III. Multivariate cases. Rep. Univ. Electro-Comm. 28,(1977/78), no. 2,259-269. Co-author M. Akahira.
Asymptotic expansions for the critical limits of unbiased tests, Discussion Paper No.131,The Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, Universiy, 1978
Discretized likelihood methods -- asymptotic properties of discretized likelihood estimators (DLEs). Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 31,(1979),no. 1,39-56. Co-author M. Akahira.
Remarks on the asymptotic efficiency and inefficiency of maximum probability estimators. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 26, (1979),no. 4,132-138. Co-author M. Akahira.
Asymptotic optimality of the generalized Bayes estimator in multiparameter cases. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 31,1979 , 403-415, Co-author M. Akahira.
On the second order asymptotic efficiency of unbiased confidence intervals. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 26,(1979)99-110. Co-author M. Akahira.
Moments of the ratio mean deviation/standard deviation under normality--A new look Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 27,(1980)1-15. Co-authors Bowman, K. O., Lam, H. K., Shenton, L. R.
Third order asymptotic efficiency and asymptotic completeness of estimators,Rep. Univ. Electro-Comm. 31 (1980)Co-author M. Akahira.
A note on prediction sufficiency (adequacy) and sufficiency Austral. J. Statist. 22, 332-335 Co-author M. Akahira
Note on nonregular asymptotic estimation -- what nonregularity implies. Rep. Univ. Electro-Comm 30, (1979/80), no. 1,63- 66. Co-author M. Akahira.
Asymptotic optimality of the generalized Bayes estimator in multiparameter cases. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 31,(1979), no. 3,403-415. Co-author M. Akahira.
On the second order asymptotic efficiency of unbiased confidence intervals. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 26, (1979), no. 3, 29-40. Co-author M. Akahira.
Calculation of bivariate normal integrals by the use of incomplete negative-order moments. Technical Report No.294 Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences, Stanford University, 1979, Co-author A.Takemura
Third order asymptotic efficiency and asymptotic completeness of estimators. Rep. Univ. Electro-Comm. 31,(1980), no. 1, 89-96. Co-author M. Akahira.
The Studentized empirical characteristic function and its application to test for the shape of distribution. Biometrika 68, (1981), no. 1, 55 - 65. Co-author Kazuo Murota.
Two ``best unbiased estimators of normal integral mean. Statistics and probability: essays in honor of R. Rao,1982. pp. 429 - 441. Co-authors Y.Kojima, H. Morimoto
On asymptotic deficiency of estimators in pooled samples in the presence of nuisance parameters. Statist. Decisions 1, (1982/83), no. 1, 17 - 38. Co-author M. Akahira
Asymptotic deficiency of estimators under models with nuisance parameters. Stanford University Technical Report. 1982 22p. Co-author M.Akahira
The cumulative chi-squares method against ordered alternatives in two-way contingency tables. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 29, (1982), no. 3, 1 - 13. Co-author C.Hirotsu
Higher order asymptotic efficiency of estimators in decision procedures. in Statistical decision theory and related topics,III, Vol. 2 (West Lafayette, Ind., 1981), 351--361, 1982.
Third-order efficiency of the extended maximum likelihood estimators in a simultaneous equation system. Econometrica 53, (1985), no. 1, 177--200. Co-author K. Morimune.
Estimation of a common parameter for pooled samples from the uniform distributions. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 37, (1985), no. 1,17--26. Co-author M. Akahira.
A note on the minimum variance unbiased estimation when the Fisher information is infinity. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 32, (1985), no. 3, 17--22. Co-author M. Akahira
Bhattacharyya bound of variances of unbiased estimators in nonregular cases. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 38,(1986),no. 1, 35--44. Co-authors M. Akahira, M. L. Puri
A note on minimum variance. Metrika 33, (1986), no. 2,85--91. Co-author M. Akahira.
A note on optimum spacing of observations from a continuous time simple Markov process. Metrika 33, (1986), no. 3-4, 217--222. Co-author M. Akahira.
Locally minimum variance unbiased estimator in a discontinuous density function. Metrika 34, (1987), no. 1,1-15. Co-author M. Akahira.
On sum of 0-1 random variables. I. Univariate case. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 39, (1987), no. 1,85—102,Co-author A. Takemura.
Estimation of symmetric functions of parameters and estimation of covariance matrix. in Proceedings of the 1st World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, Vol. 2 (Tashkent, 1986), 317--326, 1987. Co-author A. Takemura
On the bound of the asymptotic distribution of estimators when the maximum order of consistency depends on the parameter. Publ. Inst. Statist. Univ. Paris 31, (1986), no. 1, 1--16. Co-author M. Akahira
On sum of 0-1 random variables. II. Multivariate case. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 39,(1987), no. 2, 307--324. Co-author A. Takemura
The lower bound for the variance of unbiased estimators for one-directional family of distributions. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 39, (1987), no. 3, 593--610. Co-author M. Akahira
On the definition of asymptotic expectation. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (2nd Volume of Advances in 5 the Statistical Sciences) Reided Publ.1987. Co-author M. Akahira
Second and third order asymptotic completeness of the class of estimators. in Probability theory and mathematical statistics (Kyoto, 1986), 11--27, Lecture Notes in Math. 1299, 1988. Co-authors M. Akahira, F. Hirakawa.
On Cornish-Fisher type expansion of likelihood ratio statistic in one parameter exponential family. in Probability theory and mathematical statistics (Kyoto, 1986), 492--501, Lecture Notes in Math. 1299, 1988. Co-author A. Takemura
Some results on univariate and multivariate Cornish-Fisher expansion: Algebraic properties and validity. Sankhya Ser. A. 50, 1988 111-136. Co-author A. Takemura
Second order asymptotic efficiency in terms of asymptotic variances of the sequential maximum likelihood estimation procedures. in Statistical Theory and Data Analysis (K. Matusita ed.) 191-196 1988. Co-author M. Akahira
Third order asymptotic efficiency of the sequential maximum likelihood estimation procedure. Sequential Anal. 8,(1989), no. 4, 333--359. Co-author M. Akahira
Higher order asymptotics in estimation for two-sided Weibull type distributions. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 49, no. 4,725--752. Co-author M. Akahira
Loss of information associated with the order statistics and related estimators in the double exponential distribution case. Austral. J. Statist.32, (1990), no. 3, 281--291. Co-author M. Akahira
First order asymptotic efficiency in semiparametric models implies infinite asymptotic deficiency. Publ. Inst. Statist. Univ. Paris 35, 1990 1 3-9. Co-author M. Akahira
Asymptotic theory of sequential estimation: differential geometrical approach. Ann. Statist. 19,(1991), no. 2,961--981. Co-authors Ichi Okamoto, Shun-ichi Amari.
Second order asymptotic efficiency in terms of the asymptotic variance of sequential estimation procedures in the presence of nuisance parameters. Sequential Anal. 10, (1991), no. 1-2,27--43. Co-author M. Akahira.
Bootstrap method and empirical process. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 43, (1991), no. 2,297--310. Co-author M. Akahira.
Asymptotic efficiency of estimators for a location parameter family of densities with the bounded support. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 38, (1991), no. 1,1--9. Co-author M. Akahira.
A definition of information amount applicable to non-regular cases. Journal of Computing and Information 2,(1991), no.1, 71--92. Co-author M. Akahira.
Is technology really global? Proceedings of the NISTEP conrefence on Science and Technology Policy Research,Mita Press, 1991
Unbiased estimation in sequential binomial sampling. Rep. Stat. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 39, (1992),no. 4, 1--13. Co-author M. Akahira, K. Koike.
What is ST policy? - Concept and demarcation, Proceedings of the 2nd NISTEP conference, Mita Press, 1992
Second order asymptotic bound for the variance of estimators for the double exponential distribution. Stat. Sci. Data Anal. (K.Matusita ed.) 375-382 1993. Co-author M. Akahira.
On the application of the Minkowski-Farkas theorem to sampling designs. Statistica Neerlandica 47,(1993), no.3, 221--223. Co-author M. Akahira.
On Technological Conglomerate -- Concept and Practice --. Proceedings of 3rd NISTEP conference, Mita Press,1993. 6
Approaching the Next Transformation of the Japanese Economy, Japan Review of International Affairs Vol.8-4,297-313,1994
The Global Statistics for Global Environment Problems, The 50th session of ISI, Sankhya Series B 57-2, 1995
Perspectives of advanced-technology society 1994, 1995 March, Coeditor Kanji Abe
Randomized Confidence Intervals of a Parameter for a Family of Discrete Exponential Type Distributions,Communications in Statistics-Simulation vol.26(3), 1103-1128,1997, Co-author M. Akahira, K.Takahashi
The existence of a test with the largest order of consistency in the case of a two-sided Gamma type distribution,METRON Vol. 55 no.1-2, Dipartiment di statistica, probabilita’e statistiche applicate universita’ degli studi di Roma ,<LA SAPIENZA>, 1997, Co-author M.Akahira
The higher order large-deviation approximation for the distribution of the sum of independent discrete random variables, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Method, vol.28(3&4), 705-726, 1999, Co-author M. Akahira, K. Takahashi
The Information Inequality in Sequential Estimation for the Uniform Case, Sequential Analysis, vol.22, No.3,pp223-232, 2003, Co-author M. Akahira
Perspectives of advanced-technology society -- an introductory digest 1990 -- ,1990 September, Coeditor H. Matsuoka
21世紀高度技術社会を迎えるに当たって~グループ別研究報告会~,1990年12月, 共編著松岡秀雄
高度技術社会のパースペクティブ「平成2年度研究成果概要」, 1991年3月,共編著松岡秀雄
21世紀高度技術社会を迎えるに当たって~研究成果報告会~, 1991年3月,共編著松岡秀雄
Perspectives of advanced-technology society 1990, 1991 March, Coeditor H. Matsuoka
21世紀を展望した資源・環境保全的な技術文明の構想へ第1巻, 1991年7月,共編著松岡秀雄
21世紀高度技術社会を迎えるに当たって~新規計画・公募研究~, 1991年9月,共編著松岡秀雄
Perspectives of advanced-technology society -- an introductory digest 1991 -- , 1991 October, Coeditor H. Matsuoka
21世紀科学技術文明の構想 I 自然・社会・技術・文明, 1991年11月,共編著松岡秀雄
高度技術社会のパースペクティブ「平成3年度研究成果概要」, 1992年3月,共編著松岡秀雄
Perspectives of advanced-technology society 1991, 1992 March, Coeditor H.Matsuoka
21世紀を展望した資源・環境保全的な技術文明の構想へ第2巻, 1992年6月,共編著松岡秀雄
高度技術社会のパースペクティブ「基本問題討議 I」, 1992年8月,共編著松岡秀雄
21世紀高度技術社会を迎えるに当たって~新規計画・公募研究~, 1992年9月,共編著松岡秀雄
持続的発展/成長って何だろう, 1992年9月,共編著松岡秀雄
Perspectives of advanced-technology society -- an introductory digest 1992 --, 1992 October, Coeditor H. Matsuoka
高度技術社会のパースペクティブ「基本問題討議 II」, 1992年11月,共編著松岡秀雄
高度技術社会のパースペクティブ「平成4年度研究成果概要」, 1993年2月,共編著松岡秀雄
Perspectives of advanced-technology society 1992, 1993 February, Coeditor 松岡秀雄
Perspectives of Advanced-Technology Society -- An Introductory Digest 1992 --, Institute of Statistical Research, 1992, Coeditor Hideo Matsuoka.
Perspectives of Advanced-Technology Society 1992 -- Prospect for Resource-Environment Preserving Civilization in 21st Century -- ,1992, Coeditor Hideo Matsuoka.