Distraction (game show)
Distraction is a game show that aired on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom from 31 October 2003 to 11 June 2004. Presented by comedian Jimmy Carr, the show involved contestants answering questions while being distracted in various bizarre, painful and humiliating ways. Carr was aided by "distractors", who as the name suggests, attempted to distract the contestants painfully or emotionally. Examples include losing contestants, nudists, creepy carny guys, tattoo/piercing experts, wrestlers, midgets, Roller Derby girls, professional athletes, paintball players, and a large bouncer-type male nicknamed "Tiny". Occasionally, a number of female assistants helped with some of the distractions; depending on the stunt being played, they could be referred to as "Jimmy's interns", "farmer girls", "schoolgirls" or "ammo ladies." A quiz book, featuring most of the distractions seen on the show, was released by Carlton Books in late 2004. GameplayFour contestants, usually two women and two men, compete through three rounds in each episode. Before the first round, they learn about each other's embarrassing moments, unique hobbies, strange talents, or previous unflattering occupations through questions asked by Carr. Throughout the game, Carr asks relatively simple questions that the contestants must answer while enduring various uncomfortable, painful, and/or unsettling distractions. These distractions may be inflicted throughout the round, activated by a contestant in order to answer, or as the result of a right/wrong answer. At the end of each round, the contestant with the lowest score is eliminated from the game and leaves with nothing. Typical distractions include:
The last remaining contestant wins the game, advances to the fourth and final round, and wins either a car, a set of prizes, or a cash bonus. However, they must answer several further questions to prevent the cash or prizes from being damaged or destroyed. If the prize is a car, each missed question results in a part of it being damaged by an audience member or one of the losing contestants (smashing the windscreen, dumping paint on the seats, etc.). When a group of prizes is at stake, each miss results in one of them being destroyed, such as by being blown up or hit with a wrecking ball. In the case of a cash prize, the winner must answer questions quickly enough to prevent its destruction (such as notes being burned in a line of toasters or coins thrown into a full cement mixer), or must throw some of it onto a fire for each incorrect answer. At the end of the round, the contestant takes home the car, prizes, or cash regardless of condition. Transmissions
International versions
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