Dog Bites Man
Dog Bites Man is an American sitcom that aired on Comedy Central from July 7 to August 9, 2006. It began airing on The Comedy Channel in Australia in June 2007. The series was produced by DreamWorks Television. PremiseDog Bites Man is a parody of local news coverage, and follows the misadventures of a struggling news team from Spokane, Washington as they travel around the country producing news segments. A mockumentary, the show incorporates scenes with the cast in traditional skits as well as them improvising with non-actors, who believe that they are an actual (albeit unusual) news crew. DisclaimerPerhaps to lessen confusion pertaining to the true reality of the show, starting with episode five each episode began with the following message: "With the exception of the news team, the following episode contains real people who were not made aware they were being filmed as part of a comedy show." Cast
CancellationWhen asked on Michael Showalter's webisode series The Michael Showalter Showalter if Comedy Central had cancelled the show, Zach Galifianakis replied "Yes, thank God." He went on to explain that "messing with people" made him uncomfortable. EpisodesAll titles were prefaced with "Assignment:"
Home mediaThe series was released on DVD by DreamWorks Home Entertainment.
Producers and creators
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