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Canada (AG) v Federation of Law Societies of Canada 2015 SCC 7 [59]
Whether Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, as it applies to the legal profession, infringes the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure and the right not to be deprived of liberty otherwise in accordance with principles of fundamental justice under ss. 8 and 7 of the Charter, respectively
LeBel, Abella, Karakatsanis and Wagner JJ
Potter v New Brunswick Legal Aid Services Commission 2015 SCC 10 [60]
Whether administrative suspension constitutes a unilateral act amounting to a breach of contract via constructive dismissal; Whether pension benefits should be deducted from damages for wrongful dismissal
McLachlin CJ
Quebec (AG) v Canada (AG) 2015 SCC 14 [61]
Whether federal legislation abolishing the long-gun registry also containing provision requiring the destruction of long-gun registration data is ultra vires the criminal law power of Parliament under s. 91(27) of the Constitution Act, 1867
Karakatsanis J
McLachlin CJ and Rothstein and Moldaver JJ
Carey v Laiken 2015 SCC 17 [62]
Whether an intent to interfere with the administration of justice is required to prove civil contempt of court
White Burgess Langille Inman v Abbott and Haliburton Co 2015 SCC 23 [63]
Expert opinion evidence, independence and impartiality and whether the elements of an expert's duty to the court go to admissibility of evidence rather than simply its weight
R v Kokopenace 2015 SCC 28 [64]
Appropriate legal test for representativeness on jury roll; Jury representativeness under ss. 11(d) and (f) and 15 of the Charter
McLachlin CJ
Strickland v Canada (AG) 2015 SCC 37 [65]
Whether provincial superior courts have jurisdiction to address validity of federal child support guidelines
McLachlin CJ and Rothstein, Moldaver, Karakatsanis, Gascon and Côté JJ
Guindon v Canada 2015 SCC 41 [66]
Whether proceedings under s. 163.2 of the Income Tax Act imposing monetary penalties on every person who makes a false statement that could be used by another person for purposes under that Act are criminal in nature or lead to the imposition of true penal consequences; Whether an individual assessed for same penalties is a person "charged with an offence" within the meaning of s. 11 of the Charter
Rothstein J
Moldaver and Gascon JJ
R v Moriarty 2015 SCC 55 [67]
Whether provisions under the National Defence Act permitting federal offences to be prosecuted within the military justice system in relation to everyone subject to Code of Service Discipline, regardless of the circumstances in which offences were committed, are broader than necessary to achieve their purpose, in violation of s. 7 of the Charter
Caron v Alberta 2015 SCC 56 [68]
Whether provincial Languages Act is ultra vires or inoperative insofar that by requiring provincial laws and regulates to be enacted, printed and published in English only, it abrogates the constitutional duty owed by Alberta to enact, print and publish its laws and regulations in both English and French in Rupert's Land and North-Western Territory Order (1870)
Karakatsanis J
McLachlin CJ and Rothstein, Moldaver and Gascon JJ
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce v Green 2015 SCC 60 [69]
Limitation period of class actions
MM v United States of America 2015 SCC 62 [70]
Whether extradition judge applied the correct principles in relation to double criminality and to own role in assessing the reliability and sufficiency of evidence; Whether extradition judge should consider evidence about possible defences and other exculpating circumstances in deciding whether to commit for extradition; Whether Minister of Justice gave appropriate consideration to the defence of necessity available under Canadian law but not available under the law of the requesting state; Whether Minister of Justice's decision to surrender for extradition was reasonable
McLachlin CJ and Moldaver and Wagner JJ
R v Riesberry 2015 SCC 65 [71]
Whether a horse race constituted a "game" for the purposes of offence of cheating at pay