Eleanor Ruth Duckworth (Montreal, 1935 -) es una teórica de la educación canadiense, especialista en psicología cognitiva desde una perspectiva constructivista, exalumna, colega, traductora e intérprete de Jean Piaget. Fue profesora de la Harvard Graduate School of Education (Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Harvard).
Duckworth obtuvo su doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación en la Universidad de Ginebra en 1977, fundamentando sus investigaciones en las teorías de Jean Piaget y Bärbel Inhelder sobre la naturaleza y desarrollo de la comprensión y la inteligencia y en su método de investigación clínica. Ha desarrollado el método de la entrevista clínica de la escuela de Ginebra en un método de enseñanza-investigación denominado critical exploration ("exploración crítica").
También ha sido maestra de escuela primaria. Su participación en programas educativos de los años sesenta (Elementary Science Study y African Primary Science Program) fue germinal para sus ideas y prácticas en los métodos de exploración en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Ha intervenido en programas de formación del profesorado y evaluación en países de todo el mundo. Interviene en organizaciones progresistas como United for Justice with Peace y Critical Explorers.[1]
- Bobilya, A.J. & Daniel, B. (2009). Eleanor Duckworth: The teacher's teacher. In T. Smith & C.E. Knapp (Eds.), Beyond Dewey and Hahn: Foundations for experiential education, Vol. I (pp. 113–122). Lake Geneva, WI: Raccoon Institute.
- Cavicchi, E.M. (1999). Experimenting with wires, batteries, bulbs, and the induction coil: Narratives of teaching and learning physics in the electrical investigations of Laura, David, Jamie, myself and the nineteenth century experiments - our developments and instruments. Thesis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Graduate School of Education.
- Cavicchi, E.M. (June, 2007). Opening possibilities in experimental science and its history: Critical explorations with pendulums and singing tubes. Session, Ninth International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Conference. Published in Interchange, 39, 2008, 415–442.
- Cavicchi, E.M. (2009). «Exploring Mirrors, Recreating Science and History, Becoming a Class Community». The New Educator 5 (3): 249-273. Archivado desde el original el 28 de septiembre de 2011.
- Cavicchi, E.M., Chiu, S-M. & Hughes-McDonnell, F. (2009). Introductory Paper on Critical Explorations in Teaching Art, Science, and Teacher Education. The New Educator, 5(3), 189-204.
- Chira, S. (1989). Wherein balloons teach the learning process. Special to New York Times, November 29, 1998.
- Chiu, S-M. (2009). «The Ancient Master Painted Like Me». The New Educator 5 (3): 229-248. Archivado desde el original el 25 de julio de 2011.
- Dorn, M.S. (1979). An example for us all. Learning with Breadth and Depth, by Eleanor Duckworth, ed. R. Dropkin, Workshop Center for Open Education, New York.
- Elementary Science Study (ESS) (1970). Elementary science study reader. Newton, MA: Education Development Center, Inc.
- Falk, B. (2009). From the editor - Critical explorations: The road to understanding. The New Educator 5(3), i-ii.
- Hsueh, Y. (1997). Jean Piaget, spontaneous development and constructivist teaching. Thesis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard School of Education.
- Hughes-McDonnell, F. (2009). «I wonder how this little seed can have so much potential": Critical Exploration Supports Preservice Teachers' Development as Science Researchers and Teachers». The New Educator 5 (3): 205-228. Archivado desde el original el 25 de julio de 2011.
- Inhelder, B., Sinclair, H. & Bovet, M. (1974). Learning and the development of cognition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Meek, A. (1991). «On thinking about teaching: A conversation with Eleanor Duckworth». Educational Leadership 48 (6): 30-34.
- Pettigrew, N.G. (Spring 2007). The art of listening. The Exeter Bulletin, 42–45.
- Ripple, R.E. & Rockcastle, V.N. (Eds.) (1964). Piaget rediscovered. A report of the conference on cognitive studies and curriculum development. Cornell University: School of Education.
- Shorr, W. (2007). «Educating for peace with critical exploration». Harvard Business Review 77 (3): 369-374.
- Zeichner, K.M. (1992). Conceptions of reflective teaching in contemporary U.S. teacher education program reforms. In L. Valli (Ed.), Reflective teacher education - cases and critiques (pp. 161–173). Albany, NJ: SUNY Press.
Enlaces externos
- Annenberg Media (w.d.). Tune in to the moon. Materials, activities and resources regarding learning about the moon.
- Duckworth, E.R. (1973). Learning about thinking and vice versa (videorecording, 32 min.), Films Inc., Ford Foundation. Educator Eleanor Duckworth demonstrates children's thinking processes (and developmental differences in children's learning) through classic Piaget-type interviews held during a workshop for teachers, teacher aides, and principals of two inner-city Philadelphia schools.
- Duckworth, E.R. (2009a). Faculty profile, Harvard University School of Education Archivado el 3 de mayo de 2011 en Wayback Machine..
- Duckworth, E.R. (2009b). Critical thinking through learner-centred teaching. An interview with Eleanor Duckworth conducted by Anis Haffar.
- Evans, R.I. (1973). Jean Piaget. The man and his ideas. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc.; Translated by Eleanor Duckworth.
- Falk, B. (Ed.) (2009). Critical explorations: The road to understanding. Theme issue in The New Educator 5(3).
- Mayer, S.J. (2009). Critical exploration Archivado el 28 de octubre de 2019 en Wayback Machine. - website online.
- Piaget, J. (1968, lecture one). Genetic Epistemology. A series of lectures delivered by Piaget at Columbia University. Published by Columbia University Press; translated by Eleanor Duckworth.
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