Os Rhysling Awards (Prêmios Rhysling) são um prémio norte-americano anual concedido para os melhores poemas nos gêneros ficção científica , fantasia ou terror do ano precedente.
Ao contrário de outros prêmios literários, os quais homenageiam autores do gênero, o Prémio Rhysling são assim chamados devido a um personagem de uma história de ficção científica: o poeta cego Rhysling, do conto de Robert A. Heinlein As Verdes Colinas da Terra .
O prêmio é concedido em duas categorias: "Melhor Poema Longo", para trabalhos de 50 ou mais linhas, e "Melhor Poema Curto", para trabalhos de 49 ou menos linhas.
Os indicados de cada ano são escolhidos pelos membros da Science Fiction Poetry Association . Cada membro pode indicar um trabalho para cada uma das categorias. Os trabalhos indicados são então reunidos em uma antologia chamada The Rhysling Anthology , e membros da Associação então votam nos vencedores.
Vencedores do Melhor Poema Longo
1978: Gene Wolfe , The Computer Iterates the Greater Trumps
1979: Michael Bishop , For the Lady of a Physicist
1980: Andrew Joron , The Sonic Flowerfall of Primes
1981: Thomas M. Disch , On Science Fiction
1982: Ursula K. Le Guin , The Well of Baln
1983: Adam Cornford , Your Time and You: A Neoprole's Dating Guide
1984: Joe Haldeman , Saul's Death: Two Sestinas
1985: Siv Cedering , A Letter from Caroline Herschel (1750-1848)
1986: Andrew Joron , Shipwrecked on Destiny Five
1987: W. Gregory Stewart , Daedalus
1988: Lucius Shepard , White Trains
1989 (empate): Bruce Boston , In the Darkened Hours ; John M. Ford , Winter Solstice, Camelot Station
1990: Patrick McKinnon , dear spacemen
1991: David Memmott , The Aging Cryonicist in the Arms of His Mistress Contemplates the Survival of the Species While the Phoenix Is Consumed by Fire
1992: W. Gregory Stewart , the button and what you know
1993: William J. Daciuk , To Be from Earth
1994: W. Gregory Stewart and Robert Frazier , Basement Flats: Redefining the Burgess Shale
1995: David Lunde , Pilot, Pilot
1996: Margaret B. Simon , Variants of the Obsolete
1997: Terry A. Garey , Spotting UFOs While Canning Tomatoes
1998: Laurel Winter , why goldfish shouldn't use power tools
1999: Bruce Boston , Confessions of a Body Thief
2000: Geoffrey A. Landis , Christmas (after we all get time machines)
2001: Joe Haldeman , January Fires
2002: Lawrence Schimel , How to Make a Human
2003 (empate): Charles Saplak and Mike Allen , Epochs in Exile: A Fantasy Trilogy ; Sonya Taaffe , Matlacihuatl's Gift
2004: Theodora Goss , Octavia Is Lost in the Hall of Masks
2005: Tim Pratt , Soul Searching
2006: Kendall Evans and David C. Kopaska-Merkel , The Tin Men
2007: Mike Allen , The Journey to Kailash
2008: Catherynne M. Valente , The Seven Devils of Central California
2009: Geoffrey A. Landis , Search
2010: Kendall Evans and Samantha Henderson , In the Astronaut Asylum
2011: C.S.E. Cooney , The Sea King's Second Bride
2012: Megan Arkenberg , The Curator Speaks in the Department of Dead Languages
2013: Andrew Robert Sutton , Into Flight
2014: Mary Soon Lee , Interregnum
2015: F.J. Bergmann , 100 Reasons to Have Sex with an Alien
2016: (empate) Krysada Panusith Phounsiri , It Begins With A Haunting ; Ann K. Schwader , Keziah
2017: Theodora Goss , Rose Child
Vencedores do Melhor Poema Curto
1978 (empate): Duane Ackerson , The Starman ; Andrew Joron , Asleep in the Arms of Mother Night ; Sonya Dorman , Corruption of Metals
1979 (empate): Duane Ackerson , Fatalities ; Steve Eng , Storybooks and Treasure Maps
1980 (empate): Robert Frazier , Encased in the Amber of Eternity ; Peter Payack , The Migration of Darkness
1981: Ken Duffin , Meeting Place
1982: Raymond DiZazzo , On the Speed of Sight
1983: Alan P. Lightman , In Computers
1984: Helen Ehrlich , Two Sonnets
1985: Bruce Boston , For Spacers Snarled in the Hair of Comets
1986: Susan Palwick , The Neighbor's Wife
1987 (empate): Jonathan V. Post , Before the Big Bang: News from the Hubble Large Space Telescope ; John Calvin Rezmerski , A Dream of Heredity
1988 (empate): Bruce Boston , The Nightmare Collector ; Suzette Haden Elgin , Rocky Road to Hoe
1989: Robert Frazier , Salinity
1990: G. Sutton Breiding , Epitaph for Dreams
1991: Joe Haldeman , Eighteen Years Old, October Eleventh
1992: David Lunde , Song of the Martian Cricket
1993: Jane Yolen , Will
1994 (tie): Bruce Boston , Spacer's Compass ; Jeff VanderMeer , Flight Is for Those Who Have Not Yet Crossed Over
1995: Dan Raphael , Skin of Glass
1996: Bruce Boston , Future Present: A Lesson in Expectation
1997: W. Gregory Stewart , Day Omega
1998: John Grey , Explaining Frankenstein to His Mother
1999: Laurel Winter , egg horror poem
2000: Rebecca Marjesdatter , Grimoire
2001: Bruce Boston , My Wife Returns as She Would Have It
2002: William John Watkins , We Die as Angels
2003: Ruth Berman , Potherb Gardening
2004: Roger Dutcher , Just Distance
2005: Greg Beatty , No Ruined Lunar City
2006: Mike Allen , The Strip Search
2007: Rich Ristow , The Graven Idol's Godheart
2008: F.J. Bergmann , Eating Light
2009: Amal El-Mohtar , Song for an Ancient City
2010: Ann K. Schwader , To Theia
2011: Amal El-Mohtar , Peach-Creamed Honey
2012: Shira Lipkin , The Library, After
2013: Terry A. Garey , The Cat Star
2014: Amal El-Mohtar , Turning the Leaves [ 1]
2015: Marge Simon , Shutdown
2016: Ruth Berman , Time Travel Vocabulary Problems
2017: Marge Simon , George Tecumseh Sherman's Ghosts
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